Awakening to Light: A Journey of Redemption

Soul Unnie
2 min readNov 29, 2023

I spent the majority of my life walking through the world with a veil over my eyes, unaware of the profound truths that awaited me. My journey was marked by a relentless pursuit of becoming someone, anyone other than myself. Little did I know that the key to fulfillment lay not in transforming into someone else but in embracing the person I was meant to be all along.

The path to self-discovery is not always a straightforward one; it’s a struggle, a spiritual warfare of sorts. This revelation only dawned on me at the age of 35. For 35 years, I had been a fool, blind to the essence of my existence. It took hitting rock bottom, navigating through the shadows of self-imposed darkness, to find the guiding light of truth.

In those moments of despair, I found solace in a higher power, acknowledging that my lord is my salvation. Gratitude overwhelmed me as I thanked the divine for rescuing me from the clutches of my own misguided journey. It was on the path of destruction that I stumbled upon the profound reality of my existence.

They say that it’s in the darkest moments that we truly see the light. I came to recognize the brilliance of the light only when I found myself enveloped in the pitch-black depths of my own making. It’s an irony we often overlook — the difficulty of recognizing the blessings when we are amidst them.

