Discovering God: Along Love’s Path to Truth

Soul Unnie
2 min readDec 1, 2023

In the fabric of existence, a quest takes flight,
A journey toward truth, bathed in golden light.
Seeking God’s embrace, in love, we confide,
For in the realm of hearts, His light shall guide.

Within the garden of souls, a radiant spark,
A divine gift from God, a light in the dark.
In every heartbeat, a glimmering clue,
A piece of His grace, a path to pursue.

Dancing with love, a cosmic ballet,
Follow its rhythm, let it light your way.
For God is the maestro, orchestrating the score,
In the melody of love, His essence we adore.

Amidst riches and success, an echoing hollowness,
A yearning for more, a profound distress.
In the war of spirits, an unseen strife,
God’s solace sought, bringing serenity to life.

A piece of His essence within every soul,
A beacon of light, making fractured spirits whole.
Drawn to His radiance, an irresistible force,
A cosmic connection, a divine discourse.

