In the Depths of Thought

Soul Unnie
2 min readApr 12, 2024

Within the corridors of my mind, I wander, A nomad of neurons, traversing vast expanse, Where echoes of yesterdays and whispers of tomorrows Intertwine like ivy on ancient castle walls.

I’ve built cities here, synapses aflame, Skyscrapers of memories, cobblestone streets, Paved with “what ifs” and “should haves,” Where the traffic of anxiety never rests.

Present — a fragile island in this cerebral sea, Yet elusive, like a mirage shimmering on the horizon. I yearn to plant my feet on its sandy shores, To feel the warmth of now seep into my bones.

But my mind, oh, my unruly mind, It dances like a leaf caught in a tempest, Tumbling through corridors of doubt, Chasing shadows, unraveling threads of time.

Post rumination — a relentless tide, Dragging me back to shores I’d rather forget. I replay conversations, dissect glances, As if I could rewrite the script of my existence.

So what shall I do with this restless mind? Perhaps I’ll build a raft of mindfulness, Lash it together with breaths and mantras, And set sail toward the present moment.

Counting stars, one by one, as they twinkle, Each a reminder that now is all we truly have. And when the waves of overthinking threaten, I’ll steer my vessel toward the constellations of calm.

