
3 min readNov 11, 2023


Is not a word per se but it is my word for the state of being grounded!

Image Source: Cottonbro

To be grounded is to know what is important for you. Those things you cannot live without. What you require to breathe. Where the line is drawn for you.

Image Source: Laker

To be grounded is to take every step knowingly and write every word of your life.

Image Source: brenoanp

You cannot control life…no but you can control your response

What is important is that you know how to always return to your peaceful place

Groundedness is a firm foundation, the very foundation on which you stand. It is your balance, your identity, your strength, your worth, your values, your principals. Without this foundation, you cease to be…

Groundedness is like a compass that helps you always stay on the right path regardless of what happens around you. It is your self-awareness.

So, when we are not grounded, we are lost. We lack direction, fulfilment and motivation. We do things because we have to do them or because that’s the way it’s done. We do not make decisions for ourselves. The few times we make decisions, they are without meaning, without direction. We indulge in short term heights that do nothing for the soul except lull the existential feeling; alcohol, drugs, thrill seeking.

As living beings with identity…we can not be ungrounded.

It is simply too costly. We may not see it at first, but later it really hits you.

Without it, you cannot be happy.

This begs the question, what can we then do to always stay grounded?

From my experience, I have found that taking time to find out what makes sense to you is a great place to start, because then you always know your center. The place you always return to. What truly makes you happy. You must do your homework and find the answers as well. Answers to different questions for instance like who you are, where you are from and where you are going, what makes you happy, what is important to you. The answers will help you to form a clear picture of what constitutes your center, your balance.

Image Source: Valerie Ushakova

The next step is to let this clear picture guide your decisions. This way, they will always align.

Image Source: Vitali Adutskevich

And that’s how you can always stay grounded.

