Trading Bitcoin Futures Over Other Commodities

Helge Philipp
3 min readDec 2, 2023

In the trading world, where choices are abundant and opportunities diverse, the decision to trade a specific asset is a pivotal one. As a trader seeking profitable ventures, I have explored various options, and my journey has led me to Bitcoin futures on the BTCC exchange. In this article, I will delve into why I favor trading Bitcoin over other commodities, highlighting the unique benefits that set it apart.

Bitcoin’s Volatility Triumphs Over Traditional Commodities

To begin, let’s examine the performance of Bitcoin against some commonly traded commodities over the past three years. The comparison with Gold, Silver, WTI futures, and Natural Gas futures paints a compelling picture. Bitcoin’s movement, as illustrated in Figure 1, clearly outshines its commodity counterparts. Even in a shorter 18-month timeframe (Figure 2), Bitcoin maintains its volatility advantage, providing traders with ample opportunities for profit.

Diverse Perspectives on Bitcoin’s Appeal

Beyond its volatility, several factors contribute to Bitcoin’s allure as a trading asset. The ease of access and trading on platforms like is a notable advantage. Opening an account takes mere seconds, a far cry from the intricate procedures associated with commodity futures trading.

Bitcoin’s prospects are grounded in its adherence to the supply-demand principle. As the world embraces digitalization and virtual currencies, Bitcoin emerges as a robust medium of exchange for various business transactions. Its widespread adoption and integration into global financial systems give it a unique position among trading assets.

Comparative Advantages of Trading Bitcoin

Let’s now compare Bitcoin against other commodities in crucial aspects:

  • Platform Accessibility: Bitcoin’s simplicity on platforms like contrasts with the intricate procedures involved in opening accounts for commodity futures trading.
  • Historical Data Availability: Bitcoin’s transparent and widely available historical data, coupled with intuitive charting tools, facilitates informed decision-making for traders.
  • Correlation to Capital Markets: Surprisingly, Bitcoin exhibits correlations with various commodities and global indices, providing astute traders with valuable insights into market movements.
  • Costs and Liquidity: Intense competition in the cryptocurrency market has driven down trading costs significantly. Platforms like offer low-cost trading, and Bitcoin’s liquidity allows for seamless entry and exit, a crucial aspect for traders.

The Power of Bitcoin’s Volatility

Volatility, often considered a trader’s friend, remains a cornerstone of Bitcoin’s appeal. Figure 3 demonstrates Bitcoin’s volatility against global commodities, reaffirming its position as an asset offering ample opportunities for both long and short positions. With the availability of future contracts at a low cost and substantial leverage, as seen with BTCC’s 100x leverage, traders can capitalize on Bitcoin’s volatility to maximize their profits.

Practical Considerations: Storage and Accessibility

Considerations beyond the trading floor are vital. Bitcoin’s advantage becomes evident when contemplating storage costs. Unlike traditional commodities like Crude, Gas, or precious metals, Bitcoin can be securely stored in digital wallets that easily fit into your pocket, eliminating concerns about physical storage or security costs.

BTCC: A Platform Tailored for Bitcoin Futures Trading

For those considering Bitcoin futures trading, BTCC stands out as a premier platform. Opening an account takes less than 30 seconds, providing access to over nine pairs for future contracts with leverage up to 100x. The platform’s low entry requirement, starting from $100, and a generous $1,000 signup bonus make it an enticing opportunity for traders.


In conclusion, my choice to trade Bitcoin on the BTCC exchange is rooted in the cryptocurrency’s unparalleled volatility, ease of access, and its unique position in the evolving global financial landscape. As a trader, the prospect of maximizing profits through a combination of Bitcoin’s movement, BTCC’s user-friendly platform, and the generous trading conditions makes this a compelling choice in the world of digital assets. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the risks involved and exercise caution, consulting with a financial advisor before venturing into the exciting realm of Bitcoin futures trading.

