Datacritters on AUSMT.

7 min readAug 19, 2022


Extending AUSMTscan with an interactive world where every mining rig is visualised as a claimable, fully animated, and interactive Datacritter.

Datacritters on AUSMT.

While we’re still exploring on and will undoubtedly create an app on their network, Datacritters didn’t really fit for their Digital Twin technology. But now that the AUSMT miners are enabled, this idea naturally fits for them though. Read further to understand why.

What we’re building.

Every time the Aus Mining Team installs a new miner, it’ll reflect as a Datacritter (critter).

If there are 200 miners installed, there’ll be 200 critters available to be claimed. Once claimed, you’ll able to give it a username, which also sets the name of the miner rig.

Each and every Datatacritter is unique in its visuals. While there are about 20 to 30 different types, they can change in size, color, speed, element and skin. It is important to know these critters are custom designed, exclusively for AUSMT.

To make them change in appearance, they need to be triggered by the following rules:

  • Amount and frequency of you sending AUSMT straight for the burn (dead) wallet.
  • Amount and frequency of your wallet buying or selling AUSMT.
  • Amount and frequency of reflections earned.
  • Amount of AUSMT held in your wallet.
  • Holding particular tokens in your wallet.
  • Interaction and frequency with certain DEXs.
  • Your activity during a lot of buy or sell pressure.
  • Amount and frequency of AUSMT received from other wallets in possesion of a Datacritter.
  • Amount of Datacritter rewards received.
  • Amount of interactions with your critter.
  • & more.

Every Datacritter has its own DNA. We can do this because every wallet address is unique from another.

Some datacritters won’t react much to a buy or sell, but will change if you burn a few AUSMT.

Others won’t budge if you received 100 AUSMT worth of reflections, but increases its crawling speed if you’ve held AUSMT for longer than a month.

Some may even shed a new skin once you hold a certain number of AUSMT (or HELIOS) during specific dates.

It’s all encoded on the Datacritters server, and it’s up to you to figure out how your Datacritter reacts to your wallet interaction. Your Datacritter is in constant motion, because its visualised from an actual AUSMT miner.

Different types of critters. There’ll be about 30 different kinds.

The main goal of Datacritters.

The main goal is to visualize the complete Aus Mining Farm into an interactive, ever-growing world. Make it fun and increase the community longevity by giving the community the option to “claim” a miner.

With interaction we mean:

  • Miner activity and hash rate. They’ll crawl and fly more quickly when the hash rate is high.
  • If a miner goes inactive, so will your critter be during the downtime (it’ll beaten down and unable to crawl)
  • You’ll be able to see others and inspect their profile (your profile will include miner statistics)
  • You can share your profile through Telegram and others can visit it. At a certain amount of visits, your Datacritter may shed a new skin.
  • Buy or Sell through a marketplace.
B Borza claimed datacritter #109 and it changed appearance due to his wallet activity.

You’re able to see other owned Datacritters in this world, whether they are claimable or not. None of them will be the same. It’s important to know we’re not simply changing parts of critters and mix them with others. No, these are truly unique.

Straight to a use case.

Bobby opens AUSMTscan to check the amount of BTC mined today, followed by going to the Datacritter section. He sees about 10 Datacritters walking around on a custom designed world (at once, they come and go every minute or so). It caught his eye that 2 critters have no username hanging above their head, and are ready to be claimed. One of them is a red metal crow-like robot, crawling pretty wildly, which he likes.

He connects his wallet in order to claim this Datacritter. Our platforms checks in the background whether Bobby has 100,000 AUSMT or more, and once approved, continues the operation. He’s now able to set a username, which sets the username of the miner as well. He decides TheCrow sounds just right.

However, since Bobby has bought a butt load of AUSMT (1,000,000 in total) his critters size has significantly increased. Since he also recently sent 2,500 AUSMT to the public burn address, it has unlocked a thunder skin, along with its breathing speed to be increased 2 times. Awesome!

Bobby sees on AUSMTscan that the pending Datacritter rewards are about 100,000 AUSMT, and he owns about 10% of the total amount of AUSMT combined of these critters (10,000,000 total). He’s responsible for 10% of the rewards. However, he notices that 2 critters seem to be beaten down.. as these miners are inactive due to malfunction. Those 2 critters aren’t eligible for today’s rewards, so Bobby is actually earning more. Lucky guy!

He likes his critter so much, he decides to share on Twitter and Telegram, so others are able to check it out the critter’s appeareance, mining stats and rewards earned. The next day, TheCrow unlocked the ability to fly, because it received more than 100 visits within an hour. Damn.

A week later, however, he’s casually chatting in the AUSMT Telegram channel, until a notification pops up on the Datacritters Notifier Channel that reads: “Boop! TheCrow (miner #72) appears to be inactive.. unfortunately, this critter isn’t eligible for today’s rewards”. Unlucky, but that’s part of this interactive work connected to the miner farm.

Changed behaviour and presence.

How do rewards work?

Founder of AUSMT, Mr. Miner, is going to allocate a handful of miners towards the Datacritters pool.

There’s no competition in reward eligibility, but you receive rewards in proportion to the amount of AUSMT you hold on your wallet where the critter is claimed from.

For every 6th miner purchased from growth funds, 1 would go to the Datacritters pool, distributed on a weekly basis in AUSMT. The distributed AUSMT is coming from an Open market buy.

As I need to get compensated, for every 7th miner purchased from growth funds, 1 would be allocated to the HELIOS Vault. Distributed on a weekly basis in BTC, ETH and/or BNB.

The Dashboard

What are the requirements to claim a Datacritter?

In order to claim a critter, you’d need to meet the following requirements:

  • Hold 100,000 AUSMT or more in your wallet.
  • Or hold 30 HELIOS or more in your wallet.
  • There’s a claiming fee of 0.05 BNB, where 50% of it will be sent to the AUSMT growth wallet. And the other 50% of BNB will be deposited to the HELIOS Vault.
  • The claiming fee increases by 0.05 BNB per 10 Datacritters claimed.
  • There’ll be a hard cap of 2 BNB in claiming fees. This will be reached when there are 400 miners or more installed.

Only one Datacritter can be claimed per wallet. Rewards depend on the amount of AUSMT or HELIOS held, not the more Datacritters owned.

Green Alien-like robot.

Wen launch.

I do not expect to be such an ambitious project to be launched within a few months. This will consume a significant amount of our time and skill, but it’ll also increase the awareness and value of AUSMT by a significant amount.

I’m very confident that with enough time, this implementation will attract many new eyes, constant community activity and new money flow. Depending on its success, we can extend it with other features, such as wagered battles where a portion will be used for a burn. A marketplace where owners in possesion of a critter can sell them.

As you can expect, the community will receive daily or weekly updates about the development of Datacritters.

HELIOS is multi-pegged.

What does this mean for the HELIOS project?

While a version 2.0 is pending, it becomes clear we’re strong enough to write our own products. The core goal of the HELIOS project is to increase its peg in value. And there’s no denying that Datacritters would help it grow, as an ever-growing amount of miners will be allocated towards the HELIOS Vault.

Our Dashboard has been adjusted in order for it to hold the following new coins:

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • BNB

A total 6 tokens/coins will be pegged to the HELIOS token. Congratulations.

Thank you, Aus Mining Team. And thank you, both communities, for the support.

~ Helios

