Introductory Newsletter

Helix Capital
2 min readDec 31, 2021

The idea for publishing this newsletter in public (and the idea for Helix Capital in general) came about for two primary reasons:
1) Holding me, the author/investor, accountable for my investment performance just like a fund would be to its LPs, and
2) To a lesser extent, perhaps resonating with like-minded folks who either have a similar approach to investing, or a similar target geography/sector focus.

About me:
I am a retail investor from India, currently residing in Singapore and managing ~US$130,000/SG$200,000 in personal securities. I have spent my entire career in the field of finance, initially starting off with stints at banks like ABN AMRO, Nomura and SMBC, focusing mainly on M&A, Capital Markets, Leverage Finance and Principal Investment functions. I currently am an investor at a venture capital fund based in Singapore with ~US$300 million in assets, focusing on private technology companies across Southeast Asia, India and North America.
I have always been passionate about the field of finance, having directly and indirectly (through helping manage family assets) invested in public markets for several years now. The idea of creating Helix was to synthesize my thoughts more coherently through writing, and create a quasi-fund that mimics an actual public markets/hedge fund.

Approach & Focus:
My approach to investing is bottom-up. I focus primarily on India and US stocks, with a small but increasing focus on cryptocurrencies as well (we will focus more on the former for this newsletter for the time being). My approach to generating alpha is simple: to uncover and stick to a concentrated portfolio of opportunities in Indian and US listed stocks that have the potential to generate consistent returns over a long period of time.

For the newsletter itself, the idea is to: 1) Have quarterly updates on how my actual portfolio is tracking against broader market indices, 2) from time-to-time, share perspectives on my largest holdings/highest conviction ideas.
I look forward to this journey and am open to any feedback.

Helix Capital.



Helix Capital

Retail investor focused on obtaining long-term compounded returns in US/India public markets through an analytical and bottom-up approach.