Please Head to the Gym for an Unscheduled Assembly

Hellbent Games
4 min readJul 5, 2022


Wowie what a whirlwind the last 7 months have been. SO much has happened.

First of all, we at Hellbent Games would like to give our most sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all of our current and future players. The play-testing, the feedback, the support, the content creation, and the overall WHOLESOMENESS that spawns from this community means the absolute world to us. We even have a channel on Slack dedicated to our community where we share supportive messages, Twitch clips, fanart, cosplays and everything in between.

It’s been a tough road (to say the least aha) BUT…


Okay I’ll give you a moment to freak out excitedly (I need it too).


Nice okay, thanks everyone. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into what this means!

Flipping the Switch to Early Access

In order to flip the switch from Beta to Early Access, we need to pull Video Horror Society offline on Tuesday July 5th at 12pm PST. This downtime is needed to wipe all accounts, set up the store, test the heck out of the build, and launch on both Epic & Steam simultaneously. This means that the game will go down on Tuesday, July 5th and come back up when we officially launch into Early Access 🎉

Now, I know the first question you’ll be asking is:

How Will I Know When Early Access is Live?

We don’t have a set day for when Early Access will launch. There are a LOT of factors to consider and we want to make sure we get this right (this is our first Early Access launch after all!). We can assure you that the minute we launch, we will share the news everywhere! To be notified the minute that Early Access launches:

To set expectations, while we aim to release ASAP, we want to prepare for the potential of issues occurring during the process (as previously mentioned, there are a LOT of factors at play). We will 100% keep you updated and informed if any issues do arise!

What to Expect When Early Access Launches

Here are a couple neat things to look forward to when we launch into Early Access:

South American Server Region

The Video Horror Society players in the South American region have been trooping through 250 ping games for far too long! We’ve been hearing your feedback across all platforms and will be implementing a South American server with the launch of Early Access!

Free Pride Cosmetics

Although the month of June has come to an end, we don’t need it to be Pride month to celebrate our LGBTQ+ community. Hop into Video Horror Society when we launch Early Access to claim your free Loud and Proud cosmetic set. 🏳‍🌈

Founder’s Packs

In addition to Fanbux, our Founder’s Packs will also be available to purchase on Steam and The Epic Games Store!

(And yes, Teen cosmetics in the Founder’s Packs can be used on all current and future Teens!)

Be Kind & Rewind Creator Program

In case you missed it, we put out a little puzzle on Twitter and Discord to hint at our upcoming Creator Program:

The Morse code on the VCR spells out BeKindRewind which, when added to the Video Horror Society website url, brings players here.

Applications for Rewinders will open soon after the launch of Early Access, so Content Creators — keep an eye out for that announcement!

Closing Notes

We finally made it y’all. See you in The Beyond.

✨ Sam Gee ✨

