Salt Addiction: How Too Much Salt Can Affect Your Health

Cristian Ferrari
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2023


Salt is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the world and can be found in almost every type of food. While it’s true that salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to function properly, there are some things that are not commonly known about the salt in your food. Here are a few things they don’t tell you about salt in your food.

  1. Not all salt is created equal. Salt can come from a variety of sources and can contain different levels of minerals and impurities. Table salt, for example, is heavily processed and can contain additives such as anti-caking agents that can affect its flavor and nutritional content. On the other hand, unrefined sea salt and Himalayan pink salt contain higher levels of minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

2. Salt can be hidden in unexpected places. Many foods that don’t taste particularly salty can still contain high amounts of sodium. Some common culprits include bread, pasta sauce, soups, and even breakfast cereals. To be aware of your salt intake, it’s important to read nutrition labels and be mindful of processed foods.

