I say, "Hello, world!" You say, "Hello, Clarice!"

Hi. I'm Clarice. I was born in September 11, 1988. I'm from the Philippines. And I studied Communication Arts because I thought I love films.

I currently migrate web pages content from one CMS to another and make PDFs accessible. On my free time, I dabble on learning digital accessibility.

It was 2001 when I first connected to the internet. I paid USD 1.80 for an hour at an internet cafe with only one computer, and I believe, the only computer with an internet connection in my hometown at that time. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't get to visit any website. I didn't know how to use the internet but I remembered double-clicking the IE web-browser. When my one hour internet session ended, I felt elated!

In early 2002, a long time friend of mine taught me how to properly use the internet. How to open and use a Yahoo! web-browser. Where to type the website address. What's the 'go' and the 'back' button. Why use a refresh. Etc. I visited every website address that I see on newspapers and Time or Newsweek. I was paying from my allowance USD 1.2 per hour of access to the internet in computer shops. I got hooked!

By summer of 2003, my cousin helped me to register my first email address on Yahoo! Around that same time, my brother introduced me to Google. It's got colorful fonts, had a very clean homepage, two-buttons, super fast, accurate results, and the Goooooooooooooooogle at the bottom of the page! It was different. I was blown-away!