Why You Should Invest In Your Eggs

Kristin Dee
3 min readSep 16, 2018


A couple of weeks ago I unintentionally stirred some shit up in my office kitchen via the introduction of my favorite blue eggs. Seen here:

Beautiful, isn’t she? Okay so why the blue egg and why am I taking this time to tell you about the blue egg? Let’s get into it.

One of my biggest takeaways from nutrition school was how important it is to invest in animal products, if those are in your diet. ‘Put your money where the meat is’ says me. No I’m not going to go on a tangent about feedlots and industrial farming, because there are enough documentaries to scare you away from those things. Here is a different viewpoint:

When I was growing up, we had milk and cheese delivered to our milk box (tbt) from a local farm in Longmont. If the cows had a tough week we got less milk, and a letter explaining that the cows had a tough week so there wasn’t as much to give. Not unlike when we are having an off day, our work somewhat suffers. When the cows were happy however, there was an abundance of products. Maybe even a glass container of chocolate milk thrown in there. YUM.

Now I love this notion of the happy cow, and how happiness yields incredible dairy products. This idea really stuck with me. So when I decided to switch up my breakfast routine from oatmeal to eggs, I needed to find eggs from happy chickens. I went on a search and found Carol and her very happy heirloom chickens. And their very beautiful blue eggs.

Happy cows have free range to graze in an abundance of different grasses. Happy chickens like to socialize around the farm and eat easy to digest grasses like alfalfa, along with cereal grains, and maybe even a few bugs here and there. Their diet should be rich in variety and natural to what is grown on their farm. When you put an animal in their natural environment and give them the space to do them, this is what happens:

I KNOW RIGHT. Have you seen a more beautiful egg yolk? Not only is this aesthetically pleasing but it is so good for you.

Let’s Geek Out On Egg Nutrition:

Eggs are a source of complete protein, omega-3 fatty acids (hello beautiful hair/skin), B vitamins, minerals and that rich yolk gives delivers monounsaturated fats alongside fat soluble Vitamins A, D, E, and K.

But what about cholesterol? You might wonder. I’m glad you asked. While every body is different, the cholesterol egg thing is pretty much fake news. Egg yolks do contain some cholesterol, but it’s the type of cholesterol (fat) that actually helps build cell membranes. This cholesterol has pretty much nothing to do with the high blood cholesterol that we associate with heart disease. Two different things. That type of cholesterol is directly linked to saturated fats ie — can you guess? Processed foods.

Is cholesterol still a word? I just lost it. OKAY. Done with that.

You can forget the details and remember this instead: the richer the color, the richer the nutrients

Your Key Takeaway:

When it comes to diet / nutrition / health / etc. perfection is never the goal. Awareness is always the goal.

How can you become more aware and connected with one or two things that you eat in a week? Knowing that the food we put into our bodies is the front line of what keeps us nourished. We are coastal smart Spoons with the food world at our fingertips, no excuses to not upgrade one or two of your favorite items.

Maybe you can start with the blue egg :)

If you’re looking for more here is an article with hacks to keep avocados fresh longer and here is a pantry essentials overhaul.



Kristin Dee

I am a holistic health coach, yoga teacher and podcast host specializes in helping people build intuition and breakthrough transitions. www.kristindee.com