What Crash Bandicoot Can Teach You About Achieving Your Business Goals

Monika Stachon
3 min readJul 1, 2020


After reading this headline you may be forgiven to think that I absolutely lost my marbles. I mean, if you know me, you’re probably used to my mad analogies, this time a lesson comes from your childhood’s favourite game character.

I do like to look at business like a game, if you’re resilient enough, fail fast and often, you’ll absolutely level up.

So let’s talk about failure…

A lot of us get worked up at the thought of things not working out, we get ourselves into a state of paralysis and end up not trying at all. The idea of getting it right the first time around takes over and we no longer remember that FAIL stands for First Step In Learning.

So let’s go back to playing Crash or any other survival adventure game for that matter. There is no way you’d expect yourself to play through without seeing the dreaded GAME OVER all over your screen a few times along the way. You knew you had to die a few times in order to see what works and what doesn’t. Failing fast means just that. Giving yourself a permission to try different strategies until you find one that works for you. Putting yourself on the frontline knowing that OBSTACLES are the learning blocks you need for ultimate growth and clarity.

You can’t go over them, you can’t go under them — you just have to go through them… Yes, I am quoting your childhood bedtime story ;)

Essentially, if fear of failure and perfectionism shows up for you often and prevents you from making moves toward your goals, it’s time to look where it comes from. It’s usually linked to fear of shame and unreasonable expectation placed on you as child. Your brain will naturally try to keep you safe from perceived risk of being vulnerable to pray (criticism in this scenario) so it unconsciously sabotages your chance of success in the same time.

There are lots of things you can do once you become aware of this problem.

One of my favourite ways to do overcome the fear of failure is to adopt the mindset of setting myself a task to journal weekly on at least three things I failed at the week before, what have I learnt from it and congratulating myself on taking action anyway. Celebrate your failures like you celebrate your successes. You’re went out of your comfort zone — that’s awesome! If the list is empty by the end of the week and you failed at nothing — that’s a warning sign that you’re still not taking the steps towards your goals. Go and fail some more!

So what have you failed at this week?

PS. If you’re ready to Up Your Game and level up in your business I have 1 space left available on my 12 Week Business Accelerator, which will get you out of fear and move you into action. Over those 3 months you’ll learn everything you need to know to have unstoppable mindset, attract and retain your ideal clients and sell out your offers. Sounds like everything you need? Book a FREE discovery call with me HERE.

Written by Monika Stachon, Business Strategy & Mindset Coach. You can join her FB Community here to access juicy tips for entrepreneurs ready to make their vision a reality.

