Marketplace business for brands: strategies for success on Zalando

5 min readOct 24, 2023

Often small and mid-sized brands face multiple challenges when using marketplaces, especially when it comes to platforms like Zalando. The importance of having the right strategy cannot be overstated. In a complex and highly competitive environment like Zalando, About You, and the like, it is critical for brands to get expert advice to develop and execute effective strategies. A sensible strategy can help brands identify and avoid potential stumbling blocks, use resources efficiently, and optimize their presence on Zalando.

Why there is no way around Zalando

Zalando has released several new requirements for brands over the course of the year to meet the needs of your customers. These requirements reflect the ever-changing nature of e-commerce and rising consumer expectations. Along with this came major changes for brands that have sold or plan to sell in the online marketplace in the future. These changes focus on sales, seasonality as well as sustainability and quality. So they are quite understandable, but they pose major challenges for brands and the associated marketplace managers. Because it is still important as a brand to be connected to Zalando, especially as a German brand that wants to sell in the European region. Zalando stands out as one of the leading European e-commerce marketplaces. The platform offers brands a broad customer base looking for fashion and lifestyle products. Zalando has a well-established infrastructure and marketing capabilities that enable brands to present their products to a large audience. The attractiveness of Zalando as an online marketplace also lies in the opportunities for international growth, as the marketplace is active in several countries. It is therefore crucial for brands to understand Zalando’s potential and develop strategies tailored to it.

The challenges for brands on marketplaces like Zalando

Brands face a number of complex challenges on marketplaces like Zalando that impact their ability to operate successfully on this platform. Here are some of the main issues brands face on marketplaces.


On large marketplaces like Zalando, countless sellers compete for customers’ attention. Increasing the visibility of their own products and standing out from the competition is one of the biggest challenges. Brands need to develop effective strategies to be present in search results and on product pages.


The quality of the products offered and their presentation on the platform are crucial. Customers often rely on product descriptions, images and reviews to make their purchasing decisions. Brands must ensure that their products are of high quality and presented in an appealing way to gain the trust of customers.


Market trends and customer requirements are constantly changing. Brands must be able to adapt quickly to these developments and adjust their product offering accordingly. This requires continuous market monitoring and flexibility.


Efficient logistics and on-time delivery are essential to ensure customer satisfaction. Delays or problems in delivery can lead to dissatisfied customers and damage the company’s reputation.


The costs associated with selling on marketplaces can be challenging for brands. Marketplace fees, shipping costs and commissions can impact margins. Brands need to keep an eye on their costs and ensure their prices are competitive yet profitable.

These challenges can often be overwhelming for brands, especially if they have little experience in e-commerce and marketplaces. Therefore, seeking professional advice is essential to overcome the specific challenges and develop an effective strategy for success on platforms like Zalando. Our advice can help overcome the hurdles and pave the way for a successful presence on the marketplace.

The importance of the right advice for the Zalando marketplace

Brands face a complex and challenging task when using marketplaces like Zalando. Having a successful presence on such platforms requires much more than just listing products. This is where the importance of the right strategy and know-how comes into play. Professional consulting plays a key role in helping brands understand and overcome the specific requirements and challenges of marketplaces.

One of the primary challenges is to hold one’s own amid intense competition on a platform like Zalando. The visibility of one’s products and the ability to attract customers are key. A consultation from P4M can help brands strategically position their products, identify effective keywords and ensure optimized presentation to increase the chances of high visibility.

In addition, brands in marketplaces like Zalando encounter an ever-changing landscape. Market trends and customer demand are continuously evolving. Professional consulting offers valuable insights and can help companies stay current by identifying trends and quickly adapting to changing requirements.

Another essential role is to avoid mistakes and stumbling blocks. The wrong strategy can lead to wasted resources and underutilized potential. Our advice can help prevent these mistakes by pointing out best practices and helping brands use their resources efficiently and in a targeted manner.

Overall, the right advice can pave the way for success in marketplaces like Zalando. It gives companies the knowledge and tools they need to not only survive, but thrive. It’s an investment in the future and competitiveness of brands in this online marketplace and underscores the importance of not underestimating this space, but getting professional support to overcome the challenges and drive growth.

Which key areas are particularly relevant at Zalando? We have summarized the most important ones for you!

What you need to be successful at Zalando

To be successful on Zalando requires a well-thought-out and comprehensive strategy that covers several key aspects. A successful presence on this e-commerce platform requires not only a high-quality product offering, but also efficient management and the right marketing measures. Here are some key factors that contribute to being successful on Zalando:

Data creation and preparation are key. The foundation for success on Zalando is careful data creation and preparation. This includes entering accurate product information, clear descriptions and high-quality images. Structured data management makes it easier to find products and offers customers a smooth shopping experience.

Product optimization for Zalando is also crucial. Products must be presented in an appealing way, both visually and in terms of descriptions. The use of high-quality images and compelling product texts helps to arouse customers’ interest and influence their purchase decision.

The right pricing strategy is critical to staying competitive. A thorough competitive analysis helps set appropriate prices that are both competitive and profitable. Dynamic pricing that responds to market trends and competition can increase sales.

Efficient warehousing and logistics are necessary to satisfy customers. Reliable delivery and inventory management are crucial to avoid delays and bottlenecks.

To be successful on Zalando, a targeted marketing strategy is required. This includes advertising on the platform, using social media and other marketing channels to draw attention to the products, and managing customer reviews and feedback.

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for visibility on Zalando. Through thorough keyword research and optimization, products can be placed higher in search results, increasing the likelihood of purchases.

Taken together, these factors are intertwined and form the basis for a successful presence on Zalando. Thorough planning and implementation in these areas enables brands and retailers to establish themselves on the platform, attract customers, and achieve long-term success. Continuous adaptation and improvement of these aspects are crucial to keep up with the changing demands of the e-commerce market and customer expectations.

The importance of getting the right advice for Zalando underscores the need for professional support to meet the complex challenges of the online marketplace and drive growth.




We enable brands to sell on leading marketplaces — a specialist for ‍lifestyle & fashion.