Why Veganism? Why Now?

Rohan McAvee
6 min readOct 3, 2023


The curvature of the Earth, seen from space
We call it home

Well, this is my first post on Medium, so here goes!

Hey, I’m Rohan and I chose veganism over a decade ago now … happily, I’ve never looked back.

This post will explain why I think veganism is an evolution of the human race and something which the ethos behind must become part of a mindset we will all need to adopt, if we’re to progress past this petty in-fighting between tribes of human beings.

->> you may also like: Do Vegans Kill More Animals Than Meat-Eaters?

We’re All The Same Human Race

In 2020 the US military finally confirmed the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Senior military officials and pilots have testified, under oath, to congress about their direct experiences with UAP.

Artists impression of a luminous blue UFO
We are not alone

What has this got to do with veganism, I hear you say?

Well, whatever you think of those military videos and whatever you think the origin of those craft is, the question of our place in the universe rises to the surface.

A Pale Blue Dot

We’ve successfully mapped around 1.7 billion stars in the sun’s immediate neighbourhood.

Scientists estimate the number of stars in our galaxy alone could be as high as 400 billion.

This is just our galaxy … the milky way.

Higher estimates have the number of galaxies in the observable universe to be in the order of 2 trillion!

20% of ‘sun-like’ stars are highly likely to have an Earth sized planet orbiting that star in the habitable zone. Just like our very own pale blue dot.

You do the math :-)

Standing under a rock arch gazing up at the milky way
Humans are not special

The chances of humans being the only life-form in the universe are so vanishingly small that to argue otherwise (Brian Cox) is somewhat futile, if not down right arrogant.

The point I’m trying to make is, in the grand scheme of things, humans are about as significant as Liz Truss’ embarrassingly brief tenure at #10 Downing Street in her role as Prime Minister of the UK.

Yet, as a race of conscious beings, we appear to be engaged in the biggest bout of navel gazing our galaxy has ever known.

I could be wrong on that last bit there!

Why Is Veganism a Human Evolution?

To be vegan is to show respect for every single sentient creature on the planet and the basic right we all have to live out our days without fear of persecution or exploitation.

Modern veganism is itself an evolution of the ancient concept of Ahimsa.

4000 year old teachings from the Indian religions of Jainism and Hinduism centered around non-violence.

To put it very simply, violence towards others is violence towards oneself.

Shiva Nataraja figurine surrounded by lighted tealights

Veganism slots very nicely into this concept and maybe this is why many vegans report a kind of spiritual awakening fairly early on in their journey.

For me personally, I certainly felt this awakening. It was like a veil had been lifted from my eyes.

Hindus, Jains and Buddhists (among others) believe the fear and trauma experienced by animals at the time of slaughter is transferred via the universal life-force to the end consumer.

Therefore, those people who eat that meat will never be able to see outside of their little bubble. The consciousness is unable to evolve beyond this base level of existence.

Most people live in this plane of existence, stuck in a constant cycle of birth, death and rebirth where the same behaviour is repeated.

For the longest time I thought this was all mumbo jumbo hippy stuff but the more I learn about the world, our galaxy and the universe beyond, the more open I become to these possibilities.

We Just Need To Stop Killing Each Other

Respecting each other and the myriad of life forms which exist on our beautiful planet is the first step in this next evolution of the human species.

The word ‘Peace’ lit up in pink lights.

We have already evolved to the point where we don’t need to eat meat or drink milk to live perfectly healthy lives. This is proven.

I don’t want to open the can of worms which is the ‘privileged white veganism’ debate but in an ideal world where everyone has access to adequate nutrition, we could all be 100% plant-based.

Eliminating the demand for meat and dairy which is the direct result of your choices at the supermarket is how we begin to show that respect for all sentient life on Earth.

Jains go even further and extend this respect to the animals we consider non-sentient and even to plants.

Veganism is more pragmatic and probably more suited to our modern way of life. Some death and harm is inevitable and we cannot avoid it all.

Vegans Do The Best They Can

Contrary to popular belief, it’s nothing to do with ‘virtue-signaling’ or being ‘woke’ or forcing our beliefs on others.

It’s all about compassion and the respect of all life.

Yes, there is a small minority of vocal vegans and we have an ongoing debate as to whether this approach does more harm than good.

I fully understand why some vegans get so animated. There is a rage which builds inside when you see a cow being abused for no reason at all other than a perception of superiority on the part of the perpetrator.

Veganism rejects this speciesism and levels the playing field when it comes to the rights of Earth bound sentient beings.

Maybe the increased frequency of UAP sightings in the last few years is a sign from our galactic neighbours.

Maybe they’re trying to tell us something?

Maybe they’re trying to show us that until we unite as one human race we will never progress beyond this era of materialism madness and one-upmanship.

I believe the evolution of the human race to be accepted into the cosmic family begins with the simple act of being vegan.

Is it time for you to evolve?

Thanks for reading,

Rohan McAvee is a vegan blogger, loving husband and Dad. He has been vegan since 2013 and has never wavered apart from maybe one half of a turkey sandwich many years ago at Christmas time … he didn’t enjoy it! He regularly posts on VeganSlate.com and occasionally locks horns with the haters on social media. But that’s not good for mental health!

Earth photo by Jaymantri
UFO photo by Derpy CG
Shiva photo by Elina Sazonova
Peace photo by Jonathan Meyer
Berries photo by Foodie Girl on StockSnap



Rohan McAvee

Owner of the VeganSlate.com blog - 10 years vegan and always spreading the word :-)