Hybrid cloud based stotage solution increases business continuity confidence. Datamavic designs cloud storage solutions
Hybrid Cloud storage solution increases Business Continuity confidence

What is Hybrid Cloud Storage Architecture and how small and medium businesses are practicing Business continuity and Disaster recovery.



Ransomware threats are real and causes businesses to lose valuable data every year. The cost to recover such data is very high, with companies spending as high as $18 million to recover the data, not to mention the disruption that gets caused. So how does one protect their data and ensure Business continuity.

Cloud storage has become a household term, everyone from businesses to the general public uses cloud storage services. Some of the most common cloud storage platforms are Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud and Skydrive. These storage platforms are an easy way to share and store files online. The main advantage users get from using the cloud is the ability to access this data from any device and anywhere. There are public cloud storage systems like iCloud, we transfer and dropbox and then there are Hybrid storage system for businesses that not only stores data in cloud securely but also on-premise to provide ultimate Business continuity.

For consumers and small business owners the data they put in public cloud storage only is their responsibility, there will be no way to recover this data if there is a breach, they might not ever be able to access these files ever again. Also, encryption can only be done from the server side making the data that you upload on to the cloud more vulnerable. If data is breached, then it may cause the inability to operate the business, process orders, support patients or handle daily business challenges. Loss of data means loss of sensitive human resource information, intellectual property, financial information, user private information these may lead to lost of trust and loyalty.

So, what is a ransomware? Ransomware is designed to completely encrypt a victims file system, potentially causing an irreversible loss of data. Second, an increasing number of cybercriminals are utilizing ransomware to extract money out of victims. Some surveys have shown that ransomware losses for businesses can average $2500 for each incident, with businesses willing to shell out upwards of close to a million dollars to decrypt their data in some instances. The threat is only growing and small-to-midsized businesses were at the largest risk.

So how does one insure their data from data loss and ensure business continuity.

There are companies like Datto and Synapsis that provide incredible Disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. The way this works is throughout the day, information from your desktop or laptop will be automatically encrypted, compressed and uploaded to the on-premise server which then further pushes the data into the vendor cloud storage. Doing this will ensure that your data will be safe on the local server and the cloud because it is uploaded throughout the day in small increments, this also reduces the amount of bandwidth used.

Recently Datto Networks has released their highly secured cloud storage solution that not only provides Business continuity and Disaster recovery but also protection from ransomware. This solution is ideal for small and medium businesses. Imagine a financial investment or real-estate company receives a ransomware threat, where they can only be allowed to access their data on the laptop if they paid ransom. Datto quickly detects such breaches and ensures such treats are eliminated. This solution is provided on a monthly subscription basis thus making a compelling solution for small and medium businesses in Australia. Datto networks SIRIS offers data backup, recovery, and business continuity for local, virtual, and cloud environments, within a single platform for more complex use cases.

Cloud Storage and Cloud Backup are becoming more and more common in our daily life. In the United States almost 80% of businesses use the cloud to store and backup their data. This data is then accessible to anyone who the company allows to access the data. If the company is a multinational company and has a branch in Hong Kong or Japan, if required any of these branches will also be able to access the data that is stored on the company’s cloud. This breaks the barrier of geographic location being a problem when accessing data. It is now so simple to access files and documents through the cloud.

This blog has appeared in Medium via Mark Miranda our Marketing Intern and Datamavic website: https://www.datamavic.com/post/small-business-cloud-storage-and-ransomware-protection-solution-in-australia

Want to know more on how Datamavic can offer a three-layered solution to protecting your data from cyber criminals seeking ransomware and learn about reliable and efficient way for users to back up their data securely using hybrid cloud storage architecture? Please contact us at hello@datamavic.com or call us at +61 414443600 or visit www.datamavic.com

Datamavic is a Managed IT services provider based in Melbourne, Australia and can provide their solution and services all across Australia.




Datamavic is an Australian IT consulting and services company. We aim to deliver consulting and professional services in niche technology space.