Push vs Pull Marketing

Dennison Silvio
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Last week, Hayden Rolfe went live and gave a great talk about the difference between Push and Pull marketing, and the value of using a blend of both. For the uninitiated, Push Marketing is what you call the kind of marketing you often see in social media posts where a (for example) a trainer says “I’m looking for X number of people from Y demographic who are looking to accomplish Z goal, click this link to sign up now.” It’s a very direct approach that’s geared toward making quick sales, and it’s best used to sell things and services that are already known quantities in your target market. You’ve probably seen those kinds of posts online and maybe have even had some success using them yourself.

The pitfall of Push Marketing, Hayden notes, is the potential to oversaturate your audience with repetitive messaging, with the result being decreased engagement with your posts. Instead, he suggests using Pull Marketing in a much greater ratio. Pull Marketing is where you provide value with no strings attached to your audience, through informative content. This is also helpful when it comes to selling services your audience may be less familiar with. In short, you are going to be giving away your knowledge for free. While your knowledge is valuable to your audience, don’t worry about giving it away, Hayden says, because the reason your prospects will sign up with you is the accountability you’ll provide them with, as well as the experience you can provide.

So what’s the correct ratio of Pull vs Push marketing? Hayden says that unless your social media accounts are attracting thousands (maybe even tens of thousands) of new followers a week, you can maybe get away with one piece of Push marketing a month without the risk of oversaturating your audience. The rest of the month, you need to be putting out content that more in the Pull mode. It’s important, as well, to not attach a Push message (“Let’s book a call to talk more”) automatically when your audience engages with your Pull marketing, as it can leave people feeling a little bit like there was a catch to information you’re offering.

When you’re just starting out and you’re trying hard to start making some sales immediately, it can be really daunting to try to play the long game with Pull marketing, but don’t worry: Online SuperCoach is here to help you strategize and make sure that you meet both your short-term needs and your long-term goals through your marketing and sales efforts.

Adobe Stock | By Dzmitry

