Habits and Fractals

JJ Melendez
1 min readAug 8, 2020


Art by The Magic Future Jungle


The idea of a fractal is something that has the same structure at a macro and micro level. It’s like a hexagonal shape which itself is made of little honeycombs.


A habit is a set of behaviors typically modeling a Cue(Trigger), Routine(s), Reward(s). I muse that they can be as macro or micro as you want taking place over seconds to months.

Cue — Somebody yawns
Routine — You yawn
Reward — Endorphins from stretching your mouth and eye moisture pleasure

Cue — You need money
Routine — You work
Reward — You get money

The habitus is a hexagonal shape which itself is made of little habits




JJ Melendez

Writing on design, improving your business using design, psychology, philosophy, futurism, productivity, living your best life, you get it 🔥