Satellite-Brokered, end-to-end coffee trade… is this a world first?!

Trade in Space
2 min readOct 13, 2020


‘Hello World’!

We’ve been working on this for a while now, and we’re finally ready to push the Go-button. And though we haven’t exactly been in stealth mode, not many people know what we’ve been up to at Trade in Space….

Over the last year we’ve validated some technology with an expert coffee industry partner — we confirmed that we can detect coffee in the field as well as anyone.

Output from Trade in Space Coffee Detection Models — Image Credit SI Imaging Services

And we’re about to use this for what we think is a completely new application of satellite earth observation data:

We’re going to create a smart-contract for a coffee yield that we observe from a particular farm, make a payment to the farmer to buy their coffee directly through a crypto-payment system (so really low cost for intercontinental payment), and then automatically push a logisitics contract out to a delivery driver to go get the coffee and bring it to… Glasgow!

In short, we think we’re about to execute the world’s first satellite brokered, end-to-end coffee trade!

And if everything goes well (which of course it will), our friends at Dear Green will be roasting the world’s first satellite brokered, intercontinental, blockchain track and traced, asado muy especial, green coffee beans acquired by machine learning analysis of satellite images in a few months!

Coffee on the pallet — Colombia

Stay tuned for more details as we work our way through this — more details to follow. Let the era of Trade in Space begin!



Trade in Space

Trade in Space Fuse satellite generated data into contracts for supply of agricultural goods.