Case Study #2 — Enigma Quests from London

4 min readSep 16, 2018


We can undoubtedly say that the more time passes the more our expertise of our company grows. This is our Case Study #2 which contains experience of working with one of the best Escape Rooms in London (this fact can be considered as one of the main achievements so far) — Enigma Quests.

6 months passed since the previous case study, and we should point out that we completely changed the positioning and strategy of our startup— from "the best" service for conversion rate optimisation” we pivoted to Escape Room specific conversion rate optimisation agency. For today we have several clients and make significant improvment results for their websites, and we are so proud to show the value of our own platform for their businesses.


Every optimization starts with measurement. In case of they already had correct Google Analytics set up with a small exception of duplicated transactions which we successfully overcame.

However, to track the behavior more precisely we added some events:

  • A depth of the scroll on the page to learn how to rearrange the critical sections
  • Views of sections on the home page to learn about the interest of users
  • Clicks on the buttons “See more” and “Book now.”

Experiment number zero — A/A (without changes)

There are different opinions about A/A-tests. We strongly believe they are essential before the optimisation process. This gives a sufficient level of certainty that the system works correctly and the results are trustable. However, a critical moment here is that not only the difference between groups should not be statistically significant but also the difference between groups and the original conversion.

The result was satisfying — after a month of the experiment, there was no difference. Even after the 3-months period the change was not significant.

Experiment number one — Reviews section on the homepage.

Hypothesis: a social proof is critical for e-commerce websites.
The successful reviews section requires some attention: emphasize the high rating on social networks (facebook, trip advisor, others), photos of good quality must be with real people. From our experience, it is better to have 3–5 reviews picked manually rather than load them from external sites every time.

Result: the average conversion rate got boosted by glorious 20.92%. The confidence level is 95% — which means that the experiment is statistically significantly better.

Because of so univocal result, we decided just to run launch the experiment to 100%

Experiment number two — Rearrange the sections on the homepage

Hypothesis: the higher the section with quests on the homepage the better for users

Change: we put the section with quests right after “About.”

Result: the change has not improved the conversion rate. However, since the control group (without modifications) of this experiment was exactly like the test group of the previous experiment, it helped us to confirm one more time the necessity of reviews section on the homepage.

Experiment number three — Cross-navigation section on the booking page

This experiment requires a bit of history: the significant number of people come directly to the quests/booking page. The quest “School of Witchcraft and Wizardry” is quite popular and hence quite full (from the user perspective even overbooked).

Hypothesis: if we add a block with some text and a link to another quest or quests page then for users it will be more explicit that the other quests can have more free slots.

Result: unfortunately, this change has not improved the conversion rate.

Experiment number four — Icons to the buttons

Hypothesis: the more entertaining design can lead to more satisfaction of users

Change: add thematic icons to “Book now” buttons on the home page.

Result: this is the most unexpected result for us. It brought an increase in conversion rate as much as 30.65% on average. The confidence level is 94%, which is significant. So much change we could not expect at all!

Wrapping up

During the 3 months of our cooperation, the bookings of the quest “The Million Pound Heist” grew by 65% and overall conversion rate increased by 20%. Both Growity team and the client consider this figures as an outstanding result.

It was a pleasure to work with Enigma Quests team — they helped us to correct some experiments, proposed good changes and explained their business to help us better understand their customers. If you ever have a chance to work with them — won’t miss it!




First escape-room specific CRO-agency. We guarantee the growth of bookings from Escape Room websites.