Gold Mine Land NFT Explained. Open the World of Gold Mining! A New Era Where Anyone Can Participate

Zuck Zuck Land staff
11 min readAug 9, 2023


What is Gold Mine Land NFT №7
Zucker Mole 012

Today’s Topic: Introducing Gold Mine Land NFT

“Zuck Zuck Land” is a new project born from the fusion of gold mining and blockchain technology.

This project aims to revolutionize the traditional gold mining industry by incorporating elements of the virtual world (Metaverse) and in-game economy (Game-Fi).

This innovative approach is intended to encourage more people to participate in gold mining and foster industry transformation.

Currently, a mining project is underway in collaboration with a gold mining development project in Idaho, USA.

At the core of this project is the “Gold Mine Land NFT.” Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which represent ownership of digital assets, are the most appealing part of Zuck Zuck Land.

In today’s article, we will focus on the role that “Gold Mine Land NFT” plays and the innovative features it offers.

Get ready for this unique project, where cutting-edge technology and ancient industry come together, and look forward to a new world of gold mining!

What is Gold Mine Land NFT?

Gold Mine Land NFT is an innovative NFT project offered by Zuck Zuck Land, recreating gold mines in the digital world and providing a new experience.

  1. Virtual Gold Mine
    Gold Mine Land NFT reproduces actual gold mines in virtual space and fractionalizes that land.
  2. Issuance of Unique NFTs
    Gold Mine Land NFT fractionalizes the virtual gold mine “Zucker Mole Mine” into 15,750 unique parts, issuing an NFT for each corresponding part.As a result, each part has individual designs and unique value, and no two parts are the same.
    This uniqueness adds individual appeal and value to each NFT.
  3. Land Ownership in Minecraft World: ZuckZuck Land Metaverse
    Initial owners of Gold Mine Land NFT have special benefits, such as the right to own specific land parcels within the ZuckZuck Land’s Minecraft world.
    This benefit allows owners to experience land development and ownership in the virtual world.
The concept of Gold Mine Land NFT

Image Video

An image video to deepen understanding of this concept is available.
Please take a look.

With this overview in mind, let’s next take a detailed look at the specific features of Gold Mine Land NFT.

Five Enticing Features of Gold Mine Land NFT

Gold Mine Land NFT has five characteristics that offer a next-generation virtual experience.
Here, we will introduce each of them in detail.

  • Feature ①: NFT Fractionalizing a Virtual Gold Mine
  • Feature ②: Reward-Generating NFT
  • Feature ③: Up to 40% Increase in Rewards with the Combination of “Mole NFT”
  • Feature ④: Fluctuating Rewards and Market Value with Seven Types of Rarity
  • Feature ⑤: Owning Personal Land in the World of Minecraft

Feature 1: Fractionalized Virtual Gold Mine as NFT

The first feature of Gold Mine Land NFT is the replication of an actual gold mine into virtual space and the fractionalizing of it into NFTs.

Until now, the gold mining business was restricted to large corporations and specialists, but this project has made participation accessible to anyone.

Specifically, Zuck Zuck Land has mapped an actual gold mine in Idaho, USA, into virtual space.

This virtual gold mine, named “Zucker Mole Mine,” has been fractionalized into 15,750 uniquely designed Gold Mine Land NFTs.

There are no two identical designs.

Thanks to this innovative mechanism, Land NFT owners can savor the feeling of being the owners of an actual gold mine. This project, allowing casual participation in gold mining, is opening the doors to a new era in gold extraction.

Gold Mine Land NFT

Feature 2: Reward-Generating NFT

The second feature of Gold Mine Land NFT is that it is a “reward-generating NFT.”
With this feature, you can receive GKT rewards according to a specific schedule.

Reward Schedule: Epoch Schedule
The distribution of rewards is based on a timetable called the “epoch schedule.”
In this schedule, one epoch lasts for 10 days, extending over a total of 174 epochs.

If you unbox and hold the NFT, rewards will be generated automatically according to this schedule.
Please note that if the NFT remains unopened, no reward will be generated.

Details of the Epoch Schedule can be found below↓

Reward Timing: Public Sale and Token Launch
The occurrence of rewards is linked to Gold Mine Land NFT’s public sale and the GKT token launch, with conditions for locking and unlocking.

Gold Mine Land NFT’s reward system allows owners to earn real-time rewards according to project progress just by holding the NFT, without actively participating.
This provides not only a chance to enjoy the game but also an opportunity to create value and receive rewards.

A Reward Generating NFT

Feature 3: Up to 40% Increase in Rewards with the Combination of “Mole NFT”

The third feature is the increased rewards by combining Gold Mine Land NFT with “Zucker Mole NFT.”

Specifically, by staking (temporarily depositing) Zucker Mole NFT to the Gold Mine Land NFT you own, you can increase the rewards.

For example, by staking up to 5 “Mole NFTs” to one “Gold Mine Land NFT,” rewards can be increased by up to 40%.

This mechanism can be easily understood by imagining yourself as the owner of a gold mine, and the moles are digging up more gold in the mine.

Boost rewards with Mole NFT

Feature 4: Rewards Fluctuate Across 7 Levels of Rarity

The fourth attractive feature of Gold Mine Land NFT is the existence of 7 different rarity levels.

This rarity directly correlates with the value and rewards of Gold Mine Land NFT.

The fourth feature of Gold Mine Land NFT is the existence of 7 levels of rarity. Rarity is an important factor that determines the value and rewards of these NFTs.

  1. What is Rarity?
    Rarity is a metric indicating the scarcity of an NFT, and in Gold Mine Land NFT, there are 7 levels of rarity.
    This rarity is randomly determined when you “UNBOX” it.
  2. Rarity and Rewards
    The higher the rarity, the more GKT rewards you can obtain.
    This system is based on the concept that owning rare land will yield more rewards.
    For example, assuming the price of GKT is $2000, the average return on Land NFT is approximately 135%, but this may fluctuate due to changes in the price of gold, so please understand that the displayed return is only a prediction and not guaranteed.

3. Rarity and Market Value

NFTs with higher rarity might have higher prices in the secondary market. This is because of high demand for rare items.

Rarity enhances the appeal of Gold Mine Land NFT, influencing rewards, market value, and game experience.
NFTs offer not just the aspect of digital art but also investment opportunities and fun elements of gaming.
This randomly assigned rarity can be considered part of the enjoyment of NFT collection games.

Rarity Chart

Feature 5: Own Your Land in the World of Minecraft

The fifth feature of Gold Mine Land NFT is the ability to own unique land within the popular game “Minecraft” and create your world.
This characteristic opens exciting possibilities within the Metaverse.

  1. Land Ownership Method
    Initial owners who purchase Land NFT from “Zuck Zuck Land” are allocated a dedicated 25m x 25m plot in the world of Minecraft.
    This plot is a dedicated area you can design freely.
  2. Creation of Your World
    ・Business and Exhibition:
    You can build shops to advertise your business or museums to display your NFT collection on this land.
    ・Image Import:
    Through Zuck Zuck Land’s website, it is also possible to import and use real-world images.
  3. Community Creation
    The charm of owning land in Minecraft lies in the ability to freely form new communities within the Metaverse, connecting with other owners. Unique experiences and opportunities are provided to each owner.

This feature promotes creativity and community formation in the world of the Metaverse, contributing to the success of both individuals and the collective as a whole.
You can experience the joy of freely creating on your own land, and build connections with new communities.

Note:Since this Minecraft land is not an NFT, it cannot be sold on marketplaces like Opensea.

Zuck Zuck Land’s Metaverse in Minecraft
The image of a store in Minecraft

Benefits for Gold Mine Land NFT Owners

As a holder of Gold Mine Land NFT, various benefits are available. Here we will explain some particularly noteworthy benefits.

  1. Earning GKT Rewards
    Gold Land NFT owners can earn GKT rewards based on the epoch schedule.
  2. Receive Land in Minecraft
    Initial owners of Gold Mine Land NFT have the special benefit of being allocated land in Zuck Zuck Land’s Minecraft world.
    You can enjoy pioneering your land.
  3. Acquiring Zucker Mole Club Points
    If you own Gold Mine Land NFT and additionally possess Zucker Mole NFT, you can boost your GKT rewards, and opportunities to earn Club Points arise.
    Check this article for details on Club Point.
  4. Access to Live Webcam of Actual Gold Mine
    There are also plans for exclusive access to a live webcam installed in the gold mine contracted by Zuck Zuck Land. You can visually experience mining operations in real-time.
  5. Buying and Selling on the Secondary NFT Market
    Gold Mine Land NFT can be bought and sold on platforms such as Opensea. You can trade NFTs at market prices based on supply and demand and Gold Mine Land NFT can be traded on platforms like Opensea.
    You can buy and sell NFTs at market prices based on demand and supply, enhancing asset value.

The Opensea page for ZuckZuck Land is found below↓

These benefits make Gold Mine Land NFT a highly attractive digital asset, not only for enjoying the game but also for earning rewards, visually experiencing the workings of a gold mine, and potentially increasing land value.
Gold Mine Land NFT offers a unique opportunity for individual owners to gain rewards collectively, shaping a new form of digital asset that balances between the part and the whole.

Gold Mine Land NFT Utility and Benefits

How to Purchase Gold Mine Land NFT

To purchase Gold Mine Land NFT, $530 per NFT is required.
You can proceed smoothly with the purchase by following the steps below.

Step 1: Access the Official Website

Start by accessing the Zuck Zuck Land official website.

Step 2: Sign in Using a Referral Link

Joining Zuck Zuck Land requires an invitation system where you’ll need an invitation link or referral code.
Sign in using the invitation link.

  1. Click the “Sign in/Sign up” button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Connect your WEB3.0 wallet.
    If you don’t have one, please refer to this link for instructions on how to install MetaMask, our recommended wallet.
  3. If you did not access via an invitation code, input or obtain an invitation link.
    If you did not access via an invitation code, the invitation mall will be displayed.
    Choose from one of the following options:
  • Option 1: If you already have an invitation link.
    Enter it in the central box and click “Submit.”
  • Option 2: If you don’t have an invitation link.
    Click “Get an invitation link” at the bottom of the page.
    Select how you found Zuck Zuck Land, and click “Activate your invitation link.”

Step 3: Purchase Gold Mine Land NFT

  1. Click “Purchase.”
  2. Choose from one of the following four methods:
  • Purchase with USDC
  • Purchase with MATIC
  • Purchase via bank transfer
  • Purchase with a credit card

Step 4: Open Mystery Box

To determine the rarity of the purchased Land NFT, you must open the mystery box.
Please note that GKT rewards will not be generated unless you open it.

  1. Click “menu” at the top right of the HP.
  2. Select “NFT” from the menu.
  3. Click “UNBOX” next to the relevant Single Box.

You can easily purchase Gold Mine Land NFT by following these steps.
If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact “support” at the bottom right of the screen.


Gold Mine Land NFT transcends mere digital assets. This project combines elements like the thrill of gaming, creative expression, and community-building to offer participants a unique and appealing experience.

By owning a part of a virtual gold mine, individuals can gain profit and also enjoy the pursuit of rarity and fun, such as Minecraft land development.

Additionally, through webcam-enabled real-time experiences and secondary market transactions, this platform opens a new path that fuses the digital and real worlds.

Gold Mine Land NFT is more than a mere digital asset, offering a wide range of attractive experiences such as gaming excitement, creative expression, and community formation.

Through this project, you can own a fractionalized part of a virtual gold mine and enjoy rewards as well as fun activities like land development in Minecraft.

Furthermore, this opens up new avenues for blending the digital and real worlds, such as real-time experiences through web cameras or trading in secondary markets.

We create opportunities through Gold Mine Land NFT for individuals to create and share value, and form new communities. It serves as an interesting example of how innovative technology like NFT can connect with traditional industries to generate new value, pushing forward projects that contribute to the future of the Metaverse.

The core of this project is to provide owners with the opportunity to form new communities and contribute to the development of Zuck Zuck Land while receiving personal rewards.

This innovative value and potential offered by Gold Mine Land NFT open doors to new experiences for participants.

Towards the Next Article

In the next article, we will focus on ZuckZuck Land’s referral program, where you can earn rewards like USDC or GKT by introducing the “Gold Mine Land NFT” to friends and acquaintances.

We will explain clearly how to obtain referral codes and the details of the program, so stay tuned.
It’s a new revenue opportunity different from the rewards we have introduced so far.

See you in the next article!!



Zuck Zuck Land staff

"Zuck Zuck Land" is a Dao project for gold mine development.