Pokemon Go meets Lost Socks Meets Hospitals?

Carolina Rabago
3 min readJun 8, 2018


What if I told you that finding your long lost socks meant saving lives and playing game? Hmm.. Weird I know. There are many things that make Americans different, but one thing we have in common is that we all lose a sock every once in a while. Happy Socks, a Swedish sock company, discovered an opportunity when doing market research.

Swedish Discovery in America

Americans spend 3 times more on socks than the rest of the world does, which to the company in numbers seemed bizarre. Until they detected the underlying cause of their discovery. Americans for some reason, a reason that may be impossible to track, lose their socks very often. This amusing insight by the Swedish brand ignited a campaign to shed light on an epidemic happening right beneath our feet.

Already Highly Anticipated

The game is based off of Augmented Reality, similar to PokemonGO. The game that changed mobile gaming, and brought a whole new interest in personal technology is coming back to the palm of our hands and somehow reaching our feet? Sounds bizarre but it is brilliant I must say. PokemonGO was not only a phenomenon for the audience but for investors. The mobile game app boomed shortly after being released for several reasons. The first was the return of Pokemon on a new level of technology, targeting millenials, the original Pokemon fans. The second reason found for the game’s success is its technological venture on a mobile phone. For the first time, a user was able to interact with a pokemon in it’s own enviornment on a mobile device. That was huge! The third and most important reason for it’s success is, the investment aspect. Many businesses created revunue using the game’s “Lure” Module. Which was basically a sponsorship program for the game. Statistics show an astounding value in the PokemonGO concept but Happy Sock discovered a way to make it even more special.

More Lost Socks for Less Lost Lives

Happy Sock’s version of the game includes destinations to drive the public to find lost socks, but it also includes the drive to give back to those needing happier socks. What Happy Socks is aiming to do is create a movement similar to the famous Tom’s campaign accompanied by the PokemonGO attribute that has changed the world of advertising all together. Tom’s was able to provide pairs of shoes to areas affected by devastation for every retail pair purchased around the world. This provides a huge sense of empowerment to the gaming audience that makes this venture even more addictive.

This summer, the American public will be anticipating the most relatable mobile game to hit the app store. Experts involved with the making of the new game expect an unprecedented response, we are talking bigger than the Pokemon GO phase that had children and adults searching for Pokemons in the woods. Weird. This game offers real life rewards and specials to keep your sock drawer and heart always full. The most ground-breaking feature is that Happy Socks has included opportunities for users to win pairs for Hospital patients. The Swedish company has acknowledged how many socks come in and out of Hospitals and wanted to create the connection as feature where everyone ends up happy, with Happy Socks. The entire concept seems to be a win-win for consumers and young patients. Also, a definite win for Happy Socks.

