Taking Conscious Action To Generate Massive Opportunity In Life

Readings by Psychics
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Many people wish to take actions, to generate opportunities in life. And yet, the biggest challenge that they will find within themselves, is taking conscious action.

So what IS conscious action?

Let’s discuss the conscious actions one must take, to generate opportunity.

Firstly, an individual must possess a KEEN SENSE OF VALUE.
Value, is inherent in a person, place, circumstance or object. It either holds meaning to you, or doesn’t. Value can be perceived financially, emotionally, sexually, physically, mentally or spiritually. DECISIONS are valuable or not. In order to generate vast amounts of opportunity, it is wise for an individual to be aware of what situations hold value, and equally those which do not.

Conscious actions, ask us “Is what I am doing the correct approach for the long term?”. They are planned properly, strategic and done in a systematic way in order to achieve tangible results. You don’t GET anything. You take conscious steps to making yourself ALIGNED to it. Spirit asks you, to assess and identify where there is a sense of entitlement when it comes to achievement. Entitled people see barriers. They whine and complain how things are never in their favour, the economy is useless, economists are keeping money from them, everything is damaged and broken–except them. When a person takes CONSCIOUS ACTION, you flow into alignment to magnetize the opportunity to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM.

Opportunity is really everywhere. The main thing a person needs to control, is their mind. Every month, have one specific priority that you must feel to work towards. This will provide a sense of belonging and reward for achievement. . Expressing a keen sense of value, means that One sees opportunities, where ONLY hurdles lie for others.

Wherever you see Crisis, there is always opportunity. So many people, have lived through life with a Survival mindset on and never stop to think that the stuff we have had to endure, is actual gold dust. So many people see a setback and think that is the end of their life. That they will never be able to get up and stand up on their feet again. That they will never be able to make a Success of themselves, and yet I always give people, the analogy of the plane.

A plane does not take off with the wind, it takes off against it.

A smooth sea, never made for a skilled sailor. We learn most in life in challenge, hardship and adversity. An easy life is never to be envied. People who have it easy, don’t have a since clue about how to be a master life strategist, because they have never had to go up against their own demons to be dealt with. The financial markets, look exactly the same today. They are messy and it is not that the “credit crunch” hit, and people cannot buy or spend. It is that most people deal with a poverty based mindset. A mindset that, no matter how much you earn and make, you will never see success in.
The important thing is to RISE UP from your challenge, and NOT take yourself as a Victim. Most people give up because they see a barrier, instead of an exciting opportunity.

They give up at the FIRST sign of hardship.

This is the exact reason people NEVER BECOME SUCCESSFUL.
They spend their time moaning about how “unfair” life is to them, and yet do absolutely nothing about it. It is okay to want to elicit sympathy from situations. What really makes it a million times worse, is when you realize someone has NO INTENTION of ever changing their circumstances, because they are super comfortable in the Victim story that they have created for themselves. Conscious action, asks us if what we are doing is truly valuable, or not.

