Using Google Trends To Create Crypto Marketing Campaigns

Wagmind Media
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Many Web 3 companies face difficult challenges when it comes to marketing. Not knowing about -or ignoring- what´s going on in the industry can lead to a sense of overconfidence and timeless indecisiveness, which in turn can cost companies thousands of dollars.

Today, WMM is giving free marketing advice to thousands of Web 3 companies in the world.

Google Trends is one of the most powerful marketing tools, and not just because it provides a company with real-life data, but because it helps understand how, when, and where the next marketing campaign should take place.

For this case, we will be using #BitcoinHalving, as it´s one of the most remarkable and long-awaited events in the crypto sphere in 2024. Among our main research findings, it is visible that the search volume in 2024 is nearly 30% higher compared to the search volume from 2020 (around the same period in which the third Bitcoin Halving took place).

The map below shows that in the past 90 days, there´s been an exponential interest in Bitcoin Halving, especially in European countries such as the Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Austria. Moreover, the American continent -despite not having high research rates- shows signs of moderate-high interest in the Halving.

But, why is this important?

Marketers must use data to construct hypotheses that lead to smarter and more strategic campaigns.

Here´s a list of assumptions we used to construct our hypothesis:

- First assumption: The Bitcoin Halving is not an easy-to-understand or typical subject for the masses, therefore people who read about it are either knowledgeable or have become highly interested in the subject over the past months.

- Second assumption: Media outlets and social media are great platforms to enforce a marketing campaign around the Bitcoin Halving, as people use these channels as their main source of information.

-Third assumption: Influencers and hype marketing are strong tactics that are used to reach out to broad and active communities in these regions and therefore, will boost the impact of marketing campaigns.

Main hypothesis: The Bitcoin Halving presents a marketing opportunity to engage in the American and European regions in two distinct groups: knowledgeable individuals and those newly interested. Leveraging media outlets, social media, influencers, and hype marketing can effectively reach and mobilize these audiences, driving awareness and potential adoption within the crypto community.

As proved above, the information gathered by marketers is fundamental to build strategies. Marketers must understand what are people´s interests, where the audience is, and how to use these narratives as part of their marketing strategies.

If your company wants to take advantage of the Bitcoin Halving and other crypto events to boost your company, don´t hesitate, and let´s get in touch!

