EverestSwap release time and Everest Bridge update

Staky Team
2 min readOct 31, 2022


Hello everyone,

The weeks that have followed the release of the SNOW airdrop allowed us to work in order to get you a better bridging experience.

First of all, EverestBridge will be released today, at 1 PM UTC, and EverestSwap at 1:30 PM UTC. We have decided to let the Bridge open 30 minutes before the Swap in order to let people bridge liquidity before the trading starts. The Swap UI will be temporarily unavailable until launch.

Everest Bridge update

We’re glad to announce that Everest Bridge will be running on the ICON Bridge technology instead of running a centralized bridge, connecting SNOW to the ICON blockchain.

What does this mean for you?
By supporting ICON bridge, users can bridge both ways and directly on the day of the release.

This will allow us to support multiple currencies as well! On release, the Everest Bridge will support bnUsd, ICX, sICX, and ICZ.

What is ICON Bridge?
ICON Bridge is an interoperability solution using BTP component, ICON Bridge is chain-agnostic and able to interconnect any blockchain that supports smart contracts. It will function in a comparable manner to many other popular cross-chain bridges throughout the industry. Those who have utilized bridges on other popular chains should feel just as comfortable using ICON Bridge.

Please note that BTP is still unaudited and each users should use Everest Bridge at its own risk, an audit will be conducted soon.

Bridge ICZ to SNOW EVM

Hana has released its own bridge to transfer your ICZ on the SNOW EVM chain! You can follow the tutorial here: https://medium.com/@hanawallet/moving-icz-between-snow-snow-evm-aa3b1e50c369

