Know the Benefits of a Mentorship through Skilbi

Hello Skilbi
3 min readJun 26, 2022


A mentorship, done right, benefits the personal and professional growth of the mentors and mentees in more similar ways than not. However, finding the right person can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. Find your perfect person with Skilbi — our company connecting mentees and mentors through shared interests and goals. And see the benefits herein for yourself.

  1. Empowerment

87% of mentors and mentees said that their mentoring relationships make them feel empowered. (Source) Let’s explore why that may be.

For the Mentee

Mentees are empowered by gained knowledge, social capital, and psychosocial support from their mentor. For example, a mentor may help navigate their mentee with a problem or circumstance. Depending on the problem or circumstance, the mentee gains additional know-how, possible communication, and networking skills as well as the confidence to address and take on similar problems or circumstances in the future.

For the Mentor

Mentors feel empowered from the leadership and communication skills they gain needed to [effectively] guide their mentor. By using and refining these skills, they become better leaders and communicators, thus empowering them in the workplace.

2. Career development

Several different studies have found that mentoring and career progression is positively correlated, let’s look at some different statistics.

For Both

Around 25% of employees who enrolled in a mentoring program had a salary grade change compared to only 5% of workers without enrollment. (Source)

For the Mentee

Mentees are 5 times likelier to be promoted compared to those who were not mentees. (Source) And importantly, mentoring programs increase, on average, the representation of underrepresented groups, by 9% to 24%, thus helping underrepresented groups develop their careers and voices. (Source)

For the Mentor

Mentors are 6 times likelier to be promoted compared to their coworkers. (Source)

3. Workplace and Personal Satisfaction

Mentors and mentees experience increased satisfaction both personally and in the workplace.

For the Mentee

90% of workers who have a mentor report feeling impactful and valuable. (Source) And 90 percent say that they feel happier within their career. (Source)

For the Mentor

Mentors feel personal satisfaction from guiding mentees and ultimately helping them in their careers. It can be deeply rewarding for mentors to know that they’ve helped their mentees, a product of their guidance, succeed.

4. Engagement with work

Mentors and mentees have increased engagement with their work due to the nature of a mentorship.

For the Mentee

Mentees that feel empowered and satisfied with their jobs are naturally inclined to meaningfully engage with their work. And they are held accountable for their work and goals by their mentees.

For the Mentor

Lessons that mentors teach are good reminders for themselves. By working with mentees, mentors can learn by way of teaching. Mentees may also bring in a new or different perspective to the work being done.

Create a profile on Skilbi and visit Skilbi’s Mentor Hub today to learn, grow, and be empowered. Talking to mentors is made accessible and mentors themselves feel approachable through coffee chats, so don’t be afraid to start the conversation.



Hello Skilbi

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