Diabetic Diet Plan

2 min readNov 6, 2016


Finding a diabetic diet plan which you like is always a hard work and need much research on it. Finding a diet menu that you could really stick to, can be even harder. If you, or someone you know, have type 2 diabetes mellitus, then you’ve likely already been told which diet and exercises are a vital part of controlling your diabetes. An excellent diabetic diet plan is one which contains a healthful mix of fruits, veggies, and whole grain cereals that are saturated in fibre, but possess a low glycemic index (GI)*. Eating constant quantities at the same time daily might help keep a consistent blood sugar level.

A diabetic diet menu should be fairly strict, but still provide a few options to meet the different tastes. The experts suggest that the diabetic plan for an Indian must have the ratio of 60:20:20 for carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The breakfast menu may include high fibre cereal/roti/paratha/chappathi with reduced fat dairy (Curd) and some fruit. An Apple will help for mid-morning refreshment. The lunch menu might be as straightforward as a sandwich made with wholegrain bread, salad veggies, and a bit of lean meat. The diet menu for dinner could have plenty of veggies, a small portion of carbohydrates, and a piece of lean meat, accompanied by a little tub of reduced fat yogurt. In accordance with the American Diabetes mellitus Association, the best veggies for diabetics are beans, yams, and dark green leaf vegetable. Veggie rich in fibre helps to maintain the blood sugar level low and keeps you healthy. Though dry fruits are good for health, they impose a risk of spiking the fructose in your blood sugar level.

As our Ancestors say; Food is Medicine. So it is desirable to avoid packet foods and follow homemade foods. Prepare food at home and eat along with your family while you switch off your TV and keep your mobile phones away, it is because we never focus on what we eat instead on other things.

