Top 10 UI/UX design tips from Don Norman’s book The design of everyday things

Abdul Khaleque
2 min readMar 1, 2022
Illustration by Zachary Monteiro

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are two of the most important aspects of any product. Good UI/UX design can make a product more user-friendly and easy to use, while bad UI/UX design can make a product difficult and frustrating to use.

In his book “The design of everyday things”, Don Norman offers some tips for creating good UI/UX design. Here are the top 10 tips from that book:

1. Pay attention to the user’s needs.
The most important thing in UI/UX design is to always keep the user in mind. Make sure you are designing for the user, not for yourself or for your company.

2. Make things easy to use.
The user should always be able to figure out how to use your product without having to read a manual or watch a tutorial.

3. Keep things simple.
Don’t overload the user with too much information or too many choices. Keep things simple and easy to understand.

4. Use clear and concise labels.
Labels should be easy to read and understand. They should accurately describe the function of the control or button.

5. Use standard controls and gestures.
Users are familiar with the standard controls and gestures used by most products. Use these standard controls and gestures whenever possible.

6. Pay attention to the details.
The details are often what make or break a product. Make sure you pay attention to the small details and get them right.

7. Use feedback to help the user.
Feedback should be provided to the user to let them know what is happening and what the product is doing. This feedback can be in the form of sound, animation, or text.

8. Make sure the product is visually appealing.
The product should look good and be visually appealing to the user.

9. Test the product with real users.
Make sure you test the product with real users to get feedback and see how they interact with it.

10. Keep learning and keep improving.
UI/UX design is an ever-evolving field. Keep learning and keep improving your skills to stay ahead of the curve.

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Abdul Khaleque

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