UX Rational: Facebook App

Abdul Khaleque
3 min readAug 17, 2021


App Name: Facebook

Details: Facebook is most popular social media app among the world people. It was downloaded 5B+ times from google play store. And it’s active user 2.89B per month right now according to statista.com. Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder of Facebook.

ux rational: facebook app, ux, ux design, ui design, ui tips, ux tips, case study
Mark Zuckerberg ( Facebook Co-founder)

Goal/Why: When Mark Zuckerberg read in Harvard University, in that time he and his others friend wanted to make such a thing by which college student connected with each other. But now a days, we observe that- Facebook doesn’t use not only for connected with college friends but also it has others uses. Like connected with friends and family, post your thoughts, share photos/videos, sell products, create awareness, group call/meeting, events, games, blood donations, fund raising and even create COVID19 awareness among the people.

User: Facebook used all types of people and professional to connect with their friends, family members, co workers and others.

Problem: I found these problem of Facebook app:

1. Right now (16th Aug 2021) Facebook app size is 41MB. I think this is quite large size app for low configuration phone. I tested in Symphony V75 phone- it stuck a little bit.

2. In their App permission, I saw they can read/modify your phone contact, status and identity. I think this is a way of leak user privacy and info.

3. Day by day, they add new features but I think — for this they become mess/crowd/noisy their app and make users environment worst.

4. It takes huge amount of internet data and battery charges.

5. If you want to message someone then you have to download their app which is called ‘Messenger’. I think this is also another problem for the user. Why they didn’t add a feature which works for message. Why user need another app? If Facebook include message option in their Facebook app then user’s internet data and battery save a lot. And also save the phone storage.

6. In Facebook, people can spread false news easily. And it creates trouble within the societies. Facebook make a option for filtering it but it doesn’t work all the times.

7. Facebook uses all age’s people including kids. But here in Facebook, people can share inappropriate photos/videos/post which is bad for kids.

8. Also in Facebook, people mocking the general people believe. Like religion/ideology etc. Sometimes this creates huge trouble.

Possible Solutions: I discussed some possible solutions based on the above problems.

1. Facebook can reduce their app size by closed their some features. They can run a survey among the user like: which option is unnecessary for you?

2. If they need users contact info then they have to ensure that — they are highly capable to ensure user’s secrecy, privacy and also security.

3. Run a survey among the users. Maybe they can make such a system by which user can customize the feature of their app.

4. Make a feature of messages.

5. They can build their system for catch the false info. Maybe they can make approval system by authorized somebody or test by some criteria.

6. Make a filter options by which inappropriate content filtered. And also develop the algorithm such a way so that content is reach to the kids based on their ages. Or if someone age is not 18 then he/she can not see the content. I mean make it ‘Age restricted’.

7. Set up some criteria/filter and when someone post toxic belief then Facebook delete that post.

UI: Facebook used blue color and we know that blue is a color of trust, peace, loyal, inspiring, wisdom ect and it goes with their goals. I didn’t notice any wrong in their UI design. They try to keep it simple and I think they did this job perfectly.

What I learn:

1. I knew about Facebook goals.

2. I understood the problems of Facebook and it’s possible solutions.

3. By Observed their UI design, once again I feel that — too many colors, typefaces and others is not mandatory for design. Design is simple.

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Abdul Khaleque

UI/UX Designer - Available for Design your website, mobile apps, web app UX/UI Design Project - www.behance.com/helloaksarkar www.linkedin.com/in/helloaksarkar