15 Healthy Snacks To Keep You Looking Like A Snack

5 min readMay 23, 2019


Snacking has gotten a pretty bad rap over the years, but I’m here, cape tied tight, to tell you otherwise. Your enemy, in context of maintaining a healthy, functional body, is letting yourself get hungry. Blood sugar levels go all out of whack, emotions start playing Russian roulette, and all of a sudden all you want is a good food binge. Healthy snacking can save you from the midday slump, snapping at innocent friends or coworkers, and eating too much later. Now, what to eat.

1. DIY Trail Mix: Seeds + Nuts + Dried Fruit + Dark Chocolate

Hit up the bulk section of your favorite health-conscious grocery store and make your own trail mix. Seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower are packed with protein, pistachios and almonds contain that necessary healthy fat & protein collab, dried fruit fills you up with fiber and gets to work satisfying that sweet tooth, and dark chocolate keeps your stress levels down and antioxidants flowing. That said, pick your favorites from each category and do it your way.

2. Whole grain crackers

There are two types of people in this world: those who think eating Triscuits is reminiscent of eating wicker furniture, and those who are wrong. Just kidding. Shoutout to Triscuits for being pretty good for you. My point is, find your favorite healthy multi-grain cracker and run with it. The fiber and protein will satisfy your hunger and the cracker itself can be a vessel for a number of healthy toppings (think, hummus, guacamole, low-fat cheese or unsweetened nut butters).

3. Ants on a log

Let’s get a little nostalgic, shall we? As simple as your babysitter made it: celery sticks, your favorite nut butter, raisins (pro tip: replace with craisins, dried cherries or dark chocolate chips). Guaranteed to be a conversation piece at the office.

4. Edamame

Grab a bag of edamame in your local health market’s freezer aisle. Steam ’em and bag ’em up for a good portable hunger-stunting option. They just so happen to be really good for you.

5. Air-Popped Corn

Buy it already popped, or put a quarter cup of popcorn kernels in a microwave-safe bowl, covered with a microwave-safe plate, and zap it for a little under 3 minutes (microwave times will vary, wait ’til you can count 2 seconds between pops to stop it). Sprinkle with dried rosemary, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, or whatever your creative little heart desires. Sometime you just need that low-cal crunch.

6. Roasted Seaweed

Fortified with vitamins, minerals and fiber, roasted seaweed is a crunchy, savory treat that can be enjoyed sheet by sheet. Find it in your favorite local health food store!

7. Granola

Most store-bought varieties are full of sugar, so it’s best to either pay very close attention to the nutrition facts, or just make your own! Mix in greek yogurt, eat it with oat milk like cereal, or snack on it as is.

8. Tuna

Get your omega-3’s and your protein all in one place. Tuna packets are great on-the-run, but make sure you’re opting for the tuna packed in water rather than oil. Also, try to stick to the varieties that boast 300mg sodium or less. Enjoy on cucumber slices, celery sticks or crackers for an added crunch.

9. Roasted chickpeas

Chickpeas are some of the best sources of healthy protein out there. Make your own or find your favorite store-bought variety.

10. Energy balls

Energy balls started trending in health news a couple of years ago, and as gimmicky as they seemed, they’re actually pretty great for nutrient intake and energy boosts. Here are a few different varieties you can pretty easily make at home.

11. Alt-Chips

As in, veggie chips. Sweet potato, beet, purple yam, carrot, zucchini, dealer’s choice. For the crunch you want, without the grease and empty carbs you don’t. Buy, or make!

12. Fresh Fruit

Apples and pears curb your sweet tooth and keep your mouth busy for a bit while calming your stomach tf down. Bananas are also great for satisfying sweet and hunger cravings, and offer a ton of other nutritious advantages. Grapes and blueberries (have you tried them frozen yet??) are a healthy, fibrous, natural sugary treat as well.

13. Whole Grain Brown Rice Cakes

Sort of like eating air, but good if you’re eating just because you’re bored. We’ve all been there countless times, and there’s no shame in the game as long as you’re munching on the right things. This is also a good place for frozen grapes to come in.

14. Guacamole and Hummus

Or, both. With veggie sticks, preferably. Red Pepper slices double-dipped in guacamole and hummus is a burst of flavor with sweet undertones, and great spice. Make your own guac here, and your own hummus here. Or, throw them in the cart.

15. Hard-Boiled Egg

The age-old hard-boiled egg. Perhaps a nice jammy egg, if you’ve figured out the timing. Maybe even a single-serving deviled egg, if you have the time and counter space. Whatever your stylistic choices may be, just make sure not the grab the uncooked ones by mistake. Been there, amiright?

Whether hungry, bored or simply trying for the ultimate gainz, snacking is, and will always be here for us. Snack happy. Love you.




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