5 Vegan Myths — Debunked

4 min readJan 16, 2020


Anyone who has curiously typed the phrase “how to go vegan” in their Google search tab has most likely stumbled upon ’em — the assumptions, the stereotypes, the ever-present protein worries. While the veg-head lifestyle has catapulted into the mainstream rapidly over the past decade, it still comes equipped with its fair share of naysayers and doubts, each with their own set of theories and speculations. Well, we’re here to tell you that a large chunk of presumptions about veganism that exist in the world are simply not true, so here’s a quick rundown of 5 common myths we’d like to stop in their tracks, once and for all.

Myth #1: Vegans can’t get enough protein

It’s often said that vegans need to take supplements to boost their protein intake, a claim far that’s from the truth. Just about every American consumes well over the 42 grams of protein a day that’s recommended (whether they eat meat or not!) In fact, vegetarians and vegans average over 70 grams daily, which is 70% more protein than actually needed. Basically, there’s absolutely no need to stress about stocking up on plant-based protein bars or snacking on peanuts all day long — as long as you’re eating a healthy vegan diet balanced with grains, seeds, nuts and lentils, you’ll be effortlessly consuming the perfect amount of complete proteins. Boom.

Myth #2: A vegan diet is too expensive

You’ve probably stumbled upon all the fancy plant-based substitutes and superfoods at your local health food store, most of which come with a hefty price tag. But despite common misconceptions, a vegan diet is actually, by nature, super affordable. Think about it — fruit, veggies, beans, grains, and legumes (the staple items of healthy diets) are some of the cheapest items you can find at your local grocery store! We promise, veganism can easily be tailored to fit your lifestyle and budget with just a little bit of planning. Buying in bulk, choosing generic brand items, shopping wholesale, and stocking up on frozen items when they’re on sale are awesome ways to save cash. We’re not saying you need to avoid the cool cashew ice cream alternatives and intriguing cheese replacements completely, but being mindful to base your diet on whole, unprocessed foods is a vital part of being a money-savvy vegan. Not to mention, it’s healthier too. Now that’s what we call a win-win.

Myth #3: Vegan diets aren’t filling

While it might take a few weeks for your body to fully adjust to feeling satisfied without the meat and dairy that it may be used to, the idea that vegan food isn’t filling is rooted in the misunderstanding of what vegans actually eat. Hint: it’s not only salads and tofu (not even close!) The most filling vegan foods are the ones that are high in fiber and protein, so go ahead and pile your plate with legumes, vegetables, nuts, and quinoa. And don’t forget to make sure that you’re eating enough in general. Vegan or not, being hangry isn’t fun, so go ahead and mangia!

Myth #4: Vegans can’t build muscle

Says who?! There’s a stigma that meat-free diets lead to weakness or low muscle tone, but there are actually tons of high performance athletes who don’t eat any animal products (and it actually helps them perform optimally!) Professional tennis player Venus Williams and ultramarathon runner Scott Jurek are just two of the countless cases of veganism among pro athletes. Check out THIS blog post for more proof that veganism and fitness go hand-in-hand.

Myth #5: Veganism is boring

Food FOMO can feel like a real problem when you’re contemplating changing your eating habits. What about nachos, mac & cheese, hamburgers…!? Don’t worry — it’s 2020, people! There are awesome and delicious vegan versions of ALL your favorite foods by now, so go ahead and treat yo’ self! The adventure of discovering your new faves can be part of the fun. Vegan comfort food can be found everywhere from restaurant menus to Pinterest recipe boards to your local grocery store (especially if you live in a big city), and that’s something that your body and mind can feel good about!




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