How to keep accounts effectively

Connie Chang
2 min readDec 5, 2022


Have you ever felt that money is being spent very quickly? When you think about where the money was spent, you can’t remember how? I think everyone will have such troubles. How to effectively keep accounts and clearly understand one’s consumption situation is already a trouble for modern people and one of the necessary skills. But how to keep tabs effectively is a very worthwhile study.

Here are some accounting tips that I find helpful:

1. Organize the accounting book and write down 3 things

A popular Japanese financial consultant expert believes that keeping accounts is a good habit, but you can’t save money just by keeping accounts diligently. Experts suggest that as long as you write down three things in your journal, you can organize your journal. They are “days to receive money”, “special monthly expenses or budget” and “days without opening the wallet”. Detailed records of every money expenditure, such as the cost of going to the cinema to watch a movie, the cost of going to a restaurant to eat, and the cost of going out by car.

2. Reduce the cost of unnecessary accumulation

We often spend some unnecessary expenses, such as things we buy frequently, and we usually don’t think about whether it is a “need” or a “want”. Do I need this item right now? Could it be that I don’t need it and I just buy it because I want to satisfy my desire? If you can learn to think rationally about whether your behavior of buying things is correct, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and save the rest of your money.

3. Create a budget and allocate expenses effectively

When you have your first salary, how to maximize its value in a limited salary is also a very important learning topic. Effectively allocate all kinds of consumption expenditures, deduct the items that must be paid every month, such as deposits, daily meals, transportation expenses, rent, etc., and the remaining money can be used to plan for the convenience of leisure and entertainment, Like going to the movies with friends, buying favorite clothes and so on.

4. Please think again before spending money

The last point is also significant, especially for people prone to impulsive consumption, when they take out money to pay, they must think twice about whether to spend. Especially for some items with a high unit price, you should give yourself enough time to think and hesitate, so as not to regret buying.

Although accounting may seem simple, it is not easy. How to develop good bookkeeping habits and effectively record every expense is worth learning. I also hope that with these tips, readers can become little accounting geniuses.

