10 Essential Lessons from Enterprise Product Management

David Ryan
12 min readJul 8, 2019
Pretty much the only “enterprise” stock image worth looking it.

What do you think sounds more exciting: enterprise products or consumer products? Even as the boundaries continue to gently blur, many of us find ourselves perpetually drawn to the enterprise side with the implied mission of empowering teams to do great things.

It used to be that “enterprise software” sounded like a cold and grey experience making boring products for boring clients. These days the competition for talent, paired with the incredible value of the enterprise market, create the push and pull factors for genuinely great careers. Those products got pretty amazing in the process too — allowing teams to really bring their best selves to the possible best experiences at work.

This is something I reflected on recently thinking about the common challenges and cherished moments in my own career, ranging from the global scale of Red Hat down to the startup experience at Corilla. Here’s ten observations that came to mind as common points of interest right across the enterprise product range. Agree? Disagree? Enterprise software Stockholm Syndrome? I’ve love to hear your thoughts!

There’s nowhere to hide if you’re not…



David Ryan

Open Source and Quantum at OSRG. Former Head of Product at Quantum Brilliance, founder of Corilla and open source at Red Hat..