Infographic: What Really Happens To Your Medical Records?

You’ll be amazed by what really happens to your medical records in the US healthcare system.

Hello Doctor.
2 min readDec 18, 2013

It’s been long said that the Healthcare system in the United States is broken. Want to know just how broken? Here are some staggering facts about your medical records, and what happens when your doctor really needs them.

The Infographic above by Hello Doctor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Help your doctor give you the best care.
Take control over your medical records.

  1. Going through a simple procedure or an annual examination? Guess what — your doctor will need to see your medical history!
  2. Having your medical records with you, organized and accessible, will help you get better care when meeting your doctor, before a surgery or when in an emergency.
  3. So what do you do? Just start asking your doctor for copies of your medical records, and make sure you understand them. These are the first steps in being an active patient.

Now would be the best time to start. Get Hello Doctor.

The Infographic above by Hello Doctor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You’re more than welcome to use and share it under that license. If you do, please let us know at if you do ☺

