Signs as meaningful reminders

Grace Kim
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Today I decided to take myself to a bakery to get some tea while I do my morning writing. What I didn’t suspect was that I’d be in tears within minutes of entering the space.

Here’s what happened:

I walked into the bakery, went to the register and as I was about to order, I saw that the lady at the register had this tattoo on her forearm. I remarked how beautiful it looked and asked about it.

She said, “this is my grandmother’s handwriting of what she used to say to me all the time. Now I say this to my grandfather.”

The tattoo noted, “I love you more.”

Immediately I started to well up and she saw how touched I was.

It was then when I was reminded about signs. I don’t believe in a lot of woo woo but I do believe that we as humans go about life and experience things (or not) for a reason beyond ourselves.

For me, this was a sign from my own grandmothers’ love showing me that I’m ok and that I’m right where I need to be.

On an average day, I list off all the things that need to get done and focus on tackling everything. But in this moment I know to be present, become aware of the sign and take a moment to feel all the emotions.

I finally got around to ordering the tea. I also jokingly made a comment that I think my grandmother would’ve enjoyed a piece of chocolate pastry that I saw in the corner of my eye.

And to my surprise, the lovely lady grabbed one and gave it to me on the house.

Wow, I was so overwhelmed and grateful.

The lesson here, at least for me, was that we need to take a moment and realize what’s around us and appreciate the little, precious moments and perhaps even dialogue that make us all human.

Such a special way to start the day. I strive for every morning to be as meaningful as today actually :)

