ICON Development Roadmap Update — August 2021

ICON Foundation
Hello ICON World
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2021

ICON 2.0

The long-awaited ICON 2.0 migration is nearing completion. As of yesterday, the block import test run is at 100%. This is a huge milestone for the network and sets the path for the complete migration to take place in relatively short order. Starting today, developers will begin the next phase of the block import process and perform additional testing.

After testing and block import completion, we estimate it will take around two weeks to prepare nodes and exchanges for the hard fork. At that point, ICON 1.0 will be stopped simultaneously at a predefined block height by a network proposal which will then mark the start of the ICON 2.0 era. The exact block height for the transition is currently being discussed. But we are hoping for a launch very soon. Please stay tuned for more information.

BTP Ecosystem

Our first BTP integration target to the Moonriver parachain (Kusama) is now complete. We are satisfied with our user acceptance testing results and have a wide test coverage to cover most use cases including extreme network conditions. We have also been building a web application to demonstrate the usage of these smart contracts, including cross-chain token transfers, history, relayer information and more. The web app is currently dubbed “Nexus”, which we will later make available to the public. Community members will be able to experience BTP first hand soon!

Our implementation for Binance Smart Chain is also complete and is currently under review. We are also integrating the smart contracts to the Nexus portal. Users will be able to transfer from ICON to Kusama parachain and BSC and vice versa, enabling our first iteration of BTP technology for cross-chain interoperability.

Near Protocol integration is also full steam ahead and is more than halfway through its implementation. We expect to start reviewing and integrating the Near Protocol soon.

The BTP ecosystem has expanded quite significantly behind closed doors, and we are in active discussions with many potential blockchain partners. Most have expressed high interest in joining. We look forward to announcing more official integrations in due time.

ICE Blockchain

The ICE network continues to progress in the background. The collaborating teams that will be working on the project are officially onboarded. We look forward to ramping up ICE’s growth and ecosystem expansion ahead of the launch. Expect to see more activity from the ICE Network channels in the coming weeks.

Additionally, many in the community have asked about the timing of the snapshot for the airdrop of ICE tokens. We will share those details as soon as possible but are hopeful we can share them in the next few weeks. Again, please stay tuned

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