How to make your Windows 10 laptop fast?

Lalit Pandey
5 min readNov 23, 2017

Slow laptops are annoying. In a world where productivity is the key and deadlines linger over us every day, a slow laptop is the last thing you would wish for. Seriously, no one wants to stare at the rotating disc on screen or sudden freezing apps.

We don’t like that too or wouldn’t want any of our customer to face such issues. If you’re using Windows 10 on your system, you’re in luck. You can optimize your Windows to save yourself from such situations. That’s what we have tried to cover in this blog post. Let’s dive in and let you know different ways to make your Windows 10 laptop fast:

  1. ) Check Background Apps:
Check Background Apps

To help access apps that you use regularly, Windows keeps them active in background. Apps like Franz, utorrent and most of native windows apps always use system resources to run in the background resulting in a slow response rate.

Most of the time you might not be using these apps. Check for these apps and close the ones you don’t need. These apps consume a significant share of your memory and bottleneck the system.

To check the background apps running in your Windows 10 system, click on the Start button and choose settings from the left pane. Next, select Privacy> Click on Background apps from the right hand bar.
Turn the apps off by clicking on the toggle button next to each app.

2.) Disable Programs on Startup:

Disable Programs on Startup

Microsoft Windows automatically starts programs on startup that you will be needing when using your laptop. While the feature is useful for the users who work on a finite number of softwares daily, but it slows down your system and you may face a slow boot time.

To disable unnecessary programs from startup menu, right click on Windows Icon and choose Task manager. Select Startup Items tab and disable the programs that you don’t need on Startup.

This will significantly increase your boot time.

3.) Cleanup your Disk:

Cleanup your Disk

Windows disk cleanup feature has been available for a long time and you shall use it from time to time.

You can easily access the Disk cleanup from the search bar in your Windows 10 system. Run the program and click on Clean system files to free up junk files on your system.

Disk cleanup helps clean up the junk and registry files on your system, thus making it run faster.

4.) Uninstall unnecessary programs and apps:

Uninstall unnecessary programs and apps

If you system comes with pre-installed apps that you don’t use or you have downloaded some apps that you don’t use anymore, get rid of them. These apps take up space and resources on your computer and slow down the system over time.

To get rid of these apps, head over to control panel on your Windows 10 system and choose program and Features. Uninstall unnecessary softwares and apps from the list.

5.) Clean out registry Files on your Windows 10 system:

Clean out registry Files on your Windows 10 system

Registry files in Windows manage pretty much everything on your system from the OS to installed softwares. These keys are responsible for all the minor tasks in the background. These files work under the hood to make sure that every file is following the right path and getting the resources they need.

When you uninstall a software on your system, the registry keys keep lying around in your PC amounting to a heap of junk over time. These registry files can be another reason for the slow speed of your system.

You can have a look at these registry files by typing regedit.exe in Run box but don’t try to mess with these files. You might end up breaking Windows on your system and get stuck at blue screen.

There are various 3rd party apps for handling that. Ccleaner registry cleaner is one of them.

6.) Windows Troubleshooter for Problems:

Windows Troubleshooter for Problems

Windows 10 comes with a built in troubleshooter for issues on your system.
Go to Control Panel ->Security and Maintenance> Click on Troubleshoot common computer problems.
Once the troubleshoot is completed, head on to System and security>Run Maintenance Tasks.

7.) Disable Shadows and Animations on your Windows 10 system:

Disable Shadows and Animations on your Windows 10 system

Microsoft has put in a lot of effort on design and user experience in Windows 10 with shadows and transition effects that, for no doubt account for a good experience if you have a powerful fancy laptop but, it chokes the system performance for old laptops.

There’s a way to turn this off. Right click on the start button and select system. Select advanced settings from right hand menu and select Advanced tab. Select settings under the Advanced settings.

You can choose Adjust for best performance or individually turn the settings off by unchecking the box

8.) Restart your system regularly:

Restart your system regularly

Well, this sounds like a simple tip but it goes a long way in ensuring good speed on your system. Restarting your system regularly clears up the choked memory and helps free up the space to make your system work well.

So, try to restart your system every now and then and shut down if you can after a day’s work instead of making it sleep.

Thanks for reading this. If you have any questions regarding your laptop or Mac, you can A2A us on Quora or drop a direct message on Whats App (9810799196)

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