Logical Fallacy

Mudit Maheshwari
2 min readJul 12, 2017


A logical fallacy is a false statement that weakens an argument by distorting an issue, drawing false conclusion, misusing evidence, or misusing language. Logical fallacies take you away from the strength of the argument. They are often used to trick and fool people.

There are many types of logical fallacies including:

  1. Argumentum ad Populum : It is a fallacious argument that concludes that a statement is true because many or most of the people believe that it is true. For example “Everyone’s doing it; therefore, it must be good.”
  2. Strawman : It is a fallacy where you create an impression of undermining the opponent’s argument, but you actually are refuting an argument similar to the one made by the opponent.

3. Appeal to Authority : In this case, you make a deduction that an argument is true because it is supported by an expert on the subject. For example, a book argues that global warming is not actually happening, and cites the research of one environmental scientist who has been studying climate change for several years.

4. Anecdotal Evidence : When an argument is supported using anecdotes i.e. personal story or personal testimony, rather than a sound argument. A claim by someone that ghosts exists because his friend has seen it, is an example of the anecdotal fallacy.

You can find more types of fallacies on yourlogicalfallacyis.com. So, next time be aware if anyone tries to persuade you using any of these.

Hope you like it. Any suggestions are welcome and would love to hear them.

