Pediatric Dentist to Product Manager

Alex W. Lee
1 min readJan 12, 2023


A primer

If I’ve learned anything about Product Management throughout this process, it’s the value of a well-thought-out roadmap. So here’s one for you:

In November of 2021, after working as a pediatric dentist for 6 years I decided to make a career pivot. To keep myself accountable and share my story, I decided to document my journey (and all of its successes and failures) along the way. My hope is that someone looking to make a similar change will find my story helpful or at least useful as a cautionary tale on what not to do. A secondary goal is to practice my writing, which I’ve always enjoyed but haven’t had the opportunity to do so outside of writing very dry chart notes. If this sounds interesting, please read on and let’s connect on: Website, LinkedIn. Feedback is always appreciated!

Here’s what I’m thinking this will look like**:

I. Getting Unstuck From Dentistry

II. Discovering and Exploring Product Management

III. Getting my foot in the Product Management Door

IV. Applying to PM Roles

V. Getting Rejected (a lot)

VI. A Pivot within a Pivot

VII. First 90 days (?)

VIII. Continuing Education (?)

Still here? Okay, here we go.
(Continued in Part I — Getting Unstuck from Dentistry Pt. 1)

**Spoiler Alert: Nothing goes as planned.

