Close Call: A City Mom’s Terrifying Encounter in Rural Idaho

RV Trip Guide
6 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by Lili Kovac on Unsplash

As a city mom, the prospect of bringing my kids to rural Idaho was a thrilling adventure I had been eagerly anticipating. The vast open spaces, crisp mountain air, and peaceful surroundings seemed like the perfect escape from our urban hustle and bustle.

One sunny afternoon, while exploring the trails near our cabin, we had an unexpected encounter with a bear. My heart raced as the massive creature emerged from the trees just a few yards away. Frozen in fear, I didn’t know what to do. My mind raced with thoughts of how to protect my children.

Thankfully, the bear seemed more curious than aggressive. After a tense moment, it turned around and ambled back into the forest. Relief washed over us, but the experience left us shaken. It was a stark reminder of the wildness of nature and the importance of being prepared.

Later that evening, our neighbor stopped by and shared some valuable advice. “Never leave the house without bear spray,” he said firmly. “Next time, you might not be so lucky.”

I’d never even heard of bear spray, I was hoping he said hairspray, because that was packed in my bag, wink wink.

So, what’s the deal with bear spray? Is it legit? Do we really need it?

We’ll get to that, first, let’s take a moment to appreciate these amazing creatures that roam our national forests.

  • Bears come in various species, including the iconic grizzly bear, the majestic polar bear, and the elusive black bear.
  • Despite their size, bears are surprisingly agile and can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, making them formidable predators.
Photo by Paxson Woelber on Unsplash
  • Bears have an incredible sense of smell, which is seven times stronger than that of a bloodhound. They use this keen sense to locate food over long distances.
  • Contrary to popular belief, bears are not true hibernators. Instead, they enter a state of torpor, where their heart rate and metabolism slow down, allowing them to conserve energy during the winter months.

Do I Need Bear Spray?

If you’re planning a trip to bear country, whether it’s a national park or a remote wilderness area, bear spray should be considered an essential piece of your outdoor gear. According to studies conducted by wildlife experts, bear spray has proven to be highly effective in deterring bear attacks and preventing injury to both humans and bears. In fact, research has shown that bear spray is more effective than firearms in stopping aggressive bear behavior.

In the United States, bear encounters are not uncommon, especially in areas where humans and bears coexist. While bears generally prefer to avoid confrontation with humans, they may become aggressive if they feel threatened or if they perceive humans as a source of food. In such situations, having bear spray readily available can mean the difference between a safe encounter and a dangerous altercation.

How Does Bear Spray Work?

Bear spray is a non-lethal deterrent designed to deter aggressive bears by causing temporary irritation to their eyes, nose, and throat. The active ingredient in bear spray is capsaicin, a chemical derived from chili peppers, which produces a burning sensation upon contact with mucous membranes. When sprayed in the direction of an approaching bear, the cloud of capsaicin effectively discourages the bear from continuing its aggressive behavior and encourages it to retreat.

Unlike firearms, which require precise aim and can potentially escalate the situation, bear spray creates a wide cloud of deterrent that can effectively deter a charging bear without causing permanent harm to the animal.

Using Bear Spray

Using bear spray effectively requires proper technique and preparation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use bear spray:

  1. Be Prepared: Keep your bear spray easily accessible, ideally in a holster on your belt or backpack strap. Familiarize yourself with how to quickly remove the safety clip.
  2. Assess the Situation: If you encounter a bear at a distance, remain calm and assess its behavior. If the bear is unaware of your presence, quietly and slowly back away without attracting its attention.
  3. Stand Your Ground: If the bear approaches, stand your ground and make yourself appear larger by raising your arms and speaking calmly. If the bear continues to approach and shows signs of aggression (e.g., huffing, pawing the ground), it’s time to deploy your bear spray.
  4. Aim and Spray: Point the canister of bear spray toward the bear and aim slightly downward. Press down firmly on the trigger to release a cloud of spray, sweeping it back and forth in front of you to create a barrier between you and the bear.

5. Retreat Safely: After deploying bear spray, back away slowly while keeping an eye on the bear. Do not turn your back on the bear until you are a safe distance away.

What to Avoid

While bear spray can be an effective deterrent, there are certain behaviors and actions that can increase the risk of a bear encounter or escalate the situation. Here are some things to avoid when traveling in bear country:

  • Surprising a Bear: Make noise while hiking to alert bears of your presence and avoid startling them. Singing, talking loudly, or clapping your hands can help prevent surprise encounters.
  • Approaching Too Closely: Maintain a safe distance from bears and never approach them for photos or any other reason. Respect their space and give them the opportunity to move away.
  • Leaving Food Unattended: Bears have an excellent sense of smell and are attracted to food, so be sure to properly store food and dispose of waste in bear-proof containers or designated areas.
  • Running Away: If you encounter a bear, do not run. Running may trigger a chase response in bears and increase the likelihood of an attack. Instead, back away slowly while facing the bear and speaking calmly.
Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

Did you know…

  • Bear Behavior: Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet varies depending on the species and the availability of food, but it typically includes berries, grasses, insects, fish, and small mammals.
  • Bear Spray Effectiveness: Studies have shown that bear spray is effective in deterring bear attacks in over 90% of cases when used properly. It is recommended by wildlife experts as the primary means of defense in bear encounters.
  • Bear Population: The United States is home to several species of bears, including black bears, grizzly bears, and polar bears. While some species, like the grizzly bear, are considered threatened or endangered in certain areas, others, like the black bear, are more abundant.
Photo by Geoff Brooks on Unsplash
  • Protecting Bears: Using bear spray not only protects humans from bear attacks but also helps protect bears from harm. By deterring aggressive behavior without causing permanent injury, bear spray reduces the likelihood of bears being euthanized due to human-bear conflicts.

All in all, bear spray is a vital tool for anyone venturing into bear country. Its effectiveness in deterring bear attacks and preventing injury to both humans and bears makes it an essential piece of gear for outdoor enthusiasts, especially families! By understanding how bear spray works, practicing proper techniques for its use, and respecting bears and their habitat, we can enjoy safe and memorable experiences in the wilderness while minimizing our impact on these magnificent creatures.

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