How to make a free AI movie in 2024!

AI Solutions
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


Today, I want to be your guide into the future of filmmaking!

AI has improved our lives daily, and scriptwriting has never been easier!

Today, we embark on a journey into the realm of films and cinematic experiences, whether you’re just an enthusiast or an expert looking to broaden your horizons.

In this guide, I will teach you the following steps (all using AI):

  • How to Write a Script
  • Generate a Shot List
  • Generate Images and Videos
  • Generate Voiceover
  • Add Background Music

Write a Script:

Kickstart Your Movie Dream with ChatGPT: Ready to make movie magic? Let’s dive into the fun with ChatGPT. Just tell ChatGPT what you want!

With simple commands like:

“I want to produce a trailer that lasts between 60 and 90 seconds. The trailer will be a historical fiction piece about a king who fights for justice in humanity through music. His favorite instrument is the harp. There will not be dialogue in the film; instead, the entire story will be conveyed through voiceover narration. Could you provide a script for the narrator to convey this story?”

It’s like having a movie-making wizard at your fingertips!

Shot List:

“Time to plan our movie scenes! Ask ChatGPT to spill the beans on every detail. Where it happens, who’s there, what’s around — get the full scoop. No need to stress, just say, ‘Give me all the details, ChatGPT!’ Your movie adventure is about to get real!”

For example, using the prompt:

“For every scene in the mentioned movie, kindly provide a comprehensive description of the shot. Ensure you include details about the environment and any individual present, and all the objects within the frame.”

This prompt ensures a better description, making the job of generating images and videos easier.

Generate Images and Videos:

Now, let’s turn those cool scenes into pictures and videos! Bring scenes to life with MidJourney and Pika Labs, both of which can be used in Discord! Here, ChatGPT’s shot lists and descriptions come in handy, making our job much easier.

According to our Shot List, the first thing to do is a close-up of a golden harp…

And as a description, we can clearly see:

“The shot is tight and focuses primarily on the intricate details of the harp. Sunlight effects on the gold, causing a shimmering effect. Fingers, adorned with rings bearing the royal crest, strum the strings.”

So, as a prompt for Midjourney, we can use the following:

“A man’s hand, adorned with rings, playing a golden harp as sunlight reflects off the gold.”

And also, as a final piece of the prompt, we can use “-ar 16:9” meaning we want a 16:9 ratio or fullscreen in landscape mode, or you can use a more cinematic ratio like “2.4:1”.

Once we have the parameters, we go to Mid Journey.

We use the command “/imagine” and simply copy the parameters needed, and we will receive a series of images to our specifications.

Pick the image that you like the most or simply modify a parameter if needed, and now it’s time to move onto Pika Lab.

Using Pika Labs is also as simple as knowing the commands needed, so in this case, the command that we will use is “/Create”.

After typing the command, a “+1” will pop next to it, and we will click on it to upload the image we selected from MidJourney and just fill in the prompts we need, which in this case I used:

“Fingers playing the harp, slowly.”

And after just a matter of minutes or seconds, depending on your internet speed, we’ve made a video of majestic hands playing a light-struck golden harp without any help from an expensive animator!

Quick note: Pika Labs is a very useful tool to animate slow and smooth scenes, so I recommend not trying to go overboard because the videos might turn out a bit off.

Add Voice Over:

Now, let’s give your movie a voice that pops! Meet ElevenLabs, your go-to for awesome AI-generated voiceovers. ElevenLabs allows you to play with a wide variety of settings and different voices available, from soft British voices all the way to a clean, bold American deep accent. Just paste the script from ChatGPT, pick your preferences, and voilà — you’ve got a voice for your movie. It’s like picking your movie’s superhero! For an even better voiceover, here are a couple of tips:

If you want to emphasize any word in your voiceover, you should put the desired word in apostrophes. Put two points at the end of every sentence to regulate the pace of the dialogue.

Don’t forget to try out different voices and parameters until you find what suits you best!

Add Background Music

Next step is to spice it up with beats from Mubert A.I.:

It’s time to add some catchy tunes to your movie! Mubert A.I has got your back with AI-generated music, but it comes with a paid plan. If you’re on a budget, check out YouTube for free music. Feel the vibes and make your movie the coolest on the block!


Time to edit like a pro with simple tools:

Let’s put everything together! Use easy tools like Premiere Pro, Vegas, or Da Vinci to edit your movie. Cut, paste, and mix until it’s just right. You’re in charge — let the editing adventure begin! “Congrats! You’ve just made your own movie trailer with the help of AI. Now, go show it off to the world and let your creative spirit shine!

Use the most suitable tools for your skills and start making your own trailers!

