Free Resource: Pronoun Sticker and Button Designs ✌️

2 min readJan 11, 2018


As part of our first newsletter release, Together Monthly, we included designs for pronoun stickers and buttons for you to grab and get printed for your next event.

The pack includes two designs and sizes, one for 1 inch circle stickers and buttons and one for 1.5 inch circle stickers and buttons.

👉 Get the PDFs here.

Pronoun design pack preview

Pronouns Matter

We use pronouns each day in speech and writing without even thinking about it to refer to people in place of names. A pronoun is something that is not always clear by looking at someone and getting it wrong can be very damaging and disrespectful; these seemingly simple words aid in supporting identity. There are also pronouns that some people may not be familiar with, increasing the likelihood of getting it wrong without support.

Having pronoun stickers or buttons at each event can make it easier to provide an inclusive, welcoming environment. They bring a once thoughtless, automatic act to our attention for further consideration, and can be an ice breaker between some attendees. Remember, as organizers you’ve made a commitment to attendees to provide safe spaces and highlighting the importance for correct pronouns is a big step in this direction.

Each pack also includes an “ask” design to encourage dialogue; always ask, never assume. Having an obvious pronoun is a privilege and clarifying a pronoun even if this is the case helps normalize asking and care over getting these right.

Hope you find these handy and bye for now,

🐟 Joni




A creative studio shaping the friendliest brand experiences 🐟