Business Case for Kindness — Episode Recap 6–10

Cherie Crim
5 min readMay 30, 2018

Welcome to Business Case for Kindness.

I believe that all employees deserve to be treated as Equal. I believe that Discrimination (no matter what the reason) can no longer be tolerated in Business.

Here is the recap for Episodes 6–10.

Episode 6 — Sexual Harassment

While working at my last job, I overheard men in the halls making comments about my breasts and even stating that they were bigger than my brain. I was touched inappropriately by a drunk senior leader and told it was ok by my friend who witnessed it. You see, she believed men could do no wrong and that it was a compliment that he did this to me. So, in her eyes, My Senior leader touching my inner thigh (even though I told him no) was not a big deal. I didn’t understand why she felt that way, I was touched without my permission. How could I report the behavior without a witness…. because who would believe me over a white male senior leader.

This is where we are today…..divided into two schools of thought

  • Men are allowed (approved sexual harassment) because they are better than women (Strict Father Morality/Patriarchy/Misogyny)
  • Women want Respect and for the bad behaviors to stop

Shame, fear, and cultural norms all allow sexual harassment to go underreported. In an article from Vox there is a study that shows that in up to 75% of harassment victims experience retaliation when they spoke up. HR…



Cherie Crim

Cherie Crim · CEO and Founder of Be Kind to All LLC · BA and MBA from Texas Tech University · 26 years experience in Management/Sales