3 Must-Know Tips for Writing Readable Python Code

Helped by a Nerd
3 min readApr 10, 2023

Write code that is understandable even for non-programmers.

Image by author | credits to: https://github.com/adw0rd/instagrapi/blob/master/examples/bot.py

I think everyone thought at least once “My code works fine. I will push it now and clean it later.”. Most likely, you did not clean it later. I would suggest adopting the following tips so that they become a habit for you. This article is intended for beginners. If you are already a professional, then it will probably just be a refresh for you.

What is clean code?

Clean code is easy to read, understand, and maintain, even by someone unfamiliar with the code basis. Ideally, it follows at least the following conventions:

  1. Clean code follows a consistent naming convention for variables, functions, and classes.
  2. Clean code splits the concerns into different functions, classes, and modules.
  3. Clean code is easy to debug and maintain.
  4. Clean Code handles errors and edge cases smoothly, with clear error messages to help identify and fix problems.
  5. Clean code contains no code duplication and follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.

How to write readable Python code?



Helped by a Nerd

Helped by a Nerd: Engineer who writes about automation, software engineering, and digital tools.