Helpful’s Launch Stats from Yesterday

2 min readAug 1, 2014


If you missed it, Helpful launched yesterday. Yay! Here are some stats about how it all went down.

We received 4,060 pageviews from 2,492 users throughout the day with incoming traffic from HackerNews, ProductHunt, and our blog post on Medium.

From Google Analytics

We also sent out a quick email to 774 people interested in Helpful which resulted in 397 opens and 144 clicks.

From Mailchimp

All of this incoming traffic lead to 101 new customers and 103 messages sent with Helpful (not including the welcome messages).

For people who are wondering what sets Helpful apart from all the other support tools out there, do note that this is built entirely on Assembly. This means, its ownership is split between the people developing it. Hopefully, this will lead to new open-source business models, which we can all agree on, are a healthy alternative —

We got tons of great feedback and people are genuinely excited about Helpful. So give yourself a pat on the back for all your contributions to get us this far and let’s get to work making Helpful even more helpful! (Ba dum tshhh)

