[EN] A small sneak peek

Teratis Solutions GmbH
2 min readOct 11, 2023

In our last blog post, we already mentioned our next project, which also utilizes AI. Today, we’d like to give you a sneak peek of the upcoming product and provide a rough outline of what it will be about.

First and foremost, it should be noted that the planning and initial work on this project began several months ago, and, like any project, it has already gone through several cycles. During development, new ideas, fresh insights, and even new technologies emerge, which need to be analyzed and considered. Some require redesigning parts of the application, while others are put on hold. Therefore, we have already created a roadmap for the future to ensure continuous development.

With BookAdviser, we gained initial experience with AI and search. There, our focus was on searching for and recommending books. Now, we want to offer AI-powered search as a product, not limited to books or other topics but tailored for your shop, website, or app.

Our research has shown that many online shops offer no search or only rudimentary search options, often without real added value. We aim to change that by enabling easy integration of a search function and making search a central component of every shop, helping users find what they are looking for. AI-powered search can significantly enhance individual product suggestions and cater to users’ personal interests.

Our plan is to launch this new product by the end of 2023, initially with core functionality and comprehensive documentation. Subsequently, we will continuously introduce additional features that will further enhance the product.

Do you require consultancy for your company in the field of AI or generally related to software development and IT? Feel free to reach out to us at info@teratis.de or visit us at https://teratis.de for more information and ways to get in touch.

Brian — Teratis Solutions GmbH

