Are you Ready for a Marketing Manager in Your Business?

Lori Young
5 min readDec 17, 2020

When you first started your business, it may have been a one-woman (or one-man) show. You DYI-ed everything from your marketing to your bookkeeping to the actual service you were providing. But eventually, it was time to grow and outsource certain tasks, so you could focus on your zone of genius, your secret sauce… you know, the magical reason your clients come to you in the first place. Maybe outsourcing your marketing is up next, but how do you really know if your business is ready to bring in a marketing manager as opposed to just a social media manager or a virtual assistant with a few marketing chops?

Bringing in a new member of your team is a lot like welcoming a new member into your family. Potentially scary at first, but also exciting with the potential for amazing new adventures and outcomes.

If you’re going to bring someone new into the tribe and spend your hard-earned cash on outsourcing tasks (or even full departments), you want to make sure it’s to the right person in the right role.

So what exactly is a marketing manager?

A marketing manager is essentially the person who helps you plan, create, and distribute all of the communications between you and your people. They can handle your email sequences, your launches, your sales pages, your social media, your blog, and so much more.

It can be overwhelming to pass on this crucial part of your business. So, here’s what you need to know about what exactly a marketing manager can do for you and if you’re ready for one in your business.

How will a marketing manager help you?

A marketing manager is your right hand when it comes to getting your message and your business out into the world.

They are there to bounce ideas off of when it comes to new launches.

They are an expert in getting you visibility on social media (and not just more eyeballs, but the right eyeballs).

A marketing manager is your planner, making sure the right marketing activities are happening at the right time, in the right way, and with the right people.

They are invaluable in giving you more time to focus on the parts of your business you really love and that need you personally to run smoothly.

So, how do you know you’re ready to bring on a marketing manager in your business?

Sign #1 You’re Ready For A Marketing Manager: Marketing Is Not Your Jam.

You may be able to write copy or post to social media, but marketing is simply not your cup of tea.

Remembering to write and schedule launch sequences stresses you out. Composing social media posts is draining your time and energy. The notion of figuring out how Facebook ads work makes your head spin and your stomach clench.

None of us are good at everything, and if marketing is not your thing, that’s okay. It may be time to bring a marketing manager onto your team to take that off of your plate.

Sign #2 You’re Ready For A Marketing Manager: You’ve Hit The 100K Mark.

If your business is now pulling in six-figures or more each year (or you’re getting really dang close to that mark), it may be time to pass the marketing baton to someone else.

We all reach a point in our businesses where growth (and even sustaining accomplished growth) becomes more challenging. The 100K tends to be one of those places for many entrepreneurs and small business owners.

One way to push through this is to evaluate your marketing and find new ways to move beyond the 100K mark. However, according to JPL Creative (2017), 63 percent of businesses don’t feel as though they truly have the means or infrastructure to collect valuable marketing data on their business. This report also shows that about half of businesses don’t have a clear marketing plan in place.

This is where a marketing manager comes in!

Sign #3 You’re Ready For A Marketing Manager: You Need A Consistent Marketing Plan.

Having an actionable, consistent marketing plan that is actually executed through concrete processes is the bread and butter of what a marketing manager does.

So if this is something you struggle with in your business, adding a marketing manager to your team is vital for growth.

Marketing managers not only have a plan, but it’s systematic and tangible. They’ll spell each and every step out for you and make sure the plan gets put into action to convert for your business. And if conversions aren’t happening, they will help you figure out why and how to adjust accordingly.

Sign #4 You’re Ready For A Marketing Manager: You Outsource Some Marketing Tasks But Need Someone To Bring It All Together.

Maybe you already outsource your copywriting or your social media, but you need someone to pull it all in, manage the crew, and make everyone shine.

Bringing in a marketing manager doesn’t mean saying goodbye to these important team members, but rather finally using these team members to their full potential with a marketing expert to guide them.

Sign #5 You’re Ready For A Marketing Manager: New Launches Are On The Horizon.

If you’re gearing up for a new campaign, product, service, book, or launch of any kind in 2021, now is the time to bring in a marketing manager to help out.

Launches are always more complicated than they seem at first, and if you want to successfully get your genius out into your community (and the world), you need help.

Don’t go at this alone. Bring on the team you need to achieve the success you’re craving and to make the biggest impact in the world. Because this world desperately needs what you’ve got!

If you’re ready to hire the marketing manager of your dreams, the team at Amazing OBM would love to connect. You can start by scheduling a FREE 30-minute consultation. We are happy to chat, offer you some valuable tips, and determine if we are a good fit for one another in future endeavors!



Lori Young

Lori Young is a visibility expert and founder of On a Mission Brands. She helps changemakers and subject matter experts elevate their visibility online.