WannaCry caused approximately $4 billion in losses

2 min readOct 20, 2022

This ransomware reached 10,000 computers per hour and 150 countries

WannaCry is one of the most significant cyber attacks in history, perpetrated in May 2017.

This malware reached more than 150 countries and is one of the most significant cyber attacks in recent history.

WannaCry ransomware caused approximately $4 billion in losses.

HelpRansomware wrote a comprehensive guide about WannaCry ransomware, its consequences and the most affected sectors.

What type of malware is WannaCry ransomware?

WannaCry is a type of malware that blocks data on a computer and demands a ransom to decrypt ransomware files.

This ransomware reached 10,000 computers per hour.

The EternalBlue tool, probably developed by the US National Security Agency and leaked by hackers, originated the attack.

Which sectors were most affected by WannaCry?

The healthcare industry was seriously affected since medical operations are strictly related to operating systems.

Ransomware blocked internal files with a significant impact on their daily operations.

Hospitals and surgeries had to cancel their appointments since they could no longer access calendars, patient records, or even their devices.

The telecommunications industry, which mainly depends on IT infrastructures, was also severely affected by this attack.

Is WannaCry still a threat?

Ransomware threats are so powerful that it is impossible to rule them out completely.

Malware is constantly evolving, while cybercriminals are growing by the day.

The main objective of the offenders is to extort the victim with a ransom payment.

Specialists insist on not paying the ransom and go to a ransomware removal and decryption company.

HelpRansomware has over 25 years of experience in cybersecurity, malware removal, and decryption.

WannaCry numbers

  • 10,000 reached computers per hour;
  • More than 150 countries hit;
  • Around $4 billion in losses;
  • 200,000 computers reached;
  • The UK National Health Service alone lost $92 million.




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