Top Yoga Asanas Must to Practice

Hema Bisht
3 min readMar 3, 2020


Yoga is a great exercise that you can practice in your daily routine. From the practice of yoga it will be good for your health, and it also helps in reducing unwanted tension and stress from the body. By the practice of yoga in the daily routine, you will get effective results in weight loss and maintaining the entire health of the body. It will be better for your entire health, and it will only need your 15 minutes of time to practice yoga and get effective health benefits. In the Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will get the chance to improve the yoga knowledge. From the practice of yoga it will be good for your health, and it will make your body healthy.

It will be good for health and also for mental health. It will be good for your health. Once you start the practice of yoga in your daily health, then you will see the effective result in weight loss. The yoga practices it good for health, once you start the practice of yoga in your daily routine, then you will see the better result in weight loss.

Top Asanas to Practice:

Mountain Pose

This yoga asana is good for your health. Once you start the practice of yoga in your daily routine, then you will see the positive and effective result in maintaining the health of your entire body. From the practice of yoga in your life, then you will see the effective result in weight loss and also improve the bad body posture.

Triangle Pose

By the practice of this yoga pose, it will be good for your health. It gives effective results in weight loss. This yoga pose will be good for health, and it will give an effective result for weight loss. At Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, you will learn the deep aspects of yoga that you will be good for the health.

Child Pose

With the practice of this yoga pose helps in reducing tension and stress from the body. It will be good for your health. By the practice of this yoga pose, it reduces tension from the back muscles. It will be good for the entire health, and it gives the effective result in relaxing your entire mind.



Hema Bisht

When I’m not writing, I’m reading. When I’m not reading, I’m sleeping. When I’m not sleeping, I’m eating.