Internet of Things

Vrinda Das
1 min readMay 19, 2019


Our session on Internet of Things

Internet connectivity as an extension into physical devices and everyday objects like electronics and hardware is what we call as Internet of things. We must admit that much of our time in life is constrained to that of applications comprising of consumer, commercial, industrial and infrastructure type. Statistics show that in real time, IoT has taken over a major population and will continue to serve the upcoming generations actively.

Understanding the phase of this revolution, we introduced our students to the concept of Internet of things in which we covered basic information related to IoT. The session included insights on the basic components of electronics and its uses. Drawing the components of electronics and research on home automation were challenging tasks taken up by the students.

At the end of the session, the students were able to distinguish between what they perceived as magic and that of home automation. Based on their inputs, we noted that every child thought in a different way that probably could have been brains for inventions.



Vrinda Das

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